Bugzilla to GitHub Issues Migration

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 16:46:06 UTC 2023

We're much closer now to pulling the trigger on the Bugzilla to 
GitHub issues migration. Robert has fixed the blocker in the app 
he wrote to perform it, and he and I have both confirmed that it 
works as expected on a test repository.

We have a planning session scheduled this week. Before I initiate 
the migration, I need to make sure we're aware of all of the 
consequences and how to handle them (e.g., dlang-bot, moving 
Bugzilla to read-only, any instructions on the Wiki, etc.).

If you're aware of anything out there that we need to consider 
once the issues are migrated, please let us know here.

Once we've got a handle on everything, I'll set a date to 
initiate the migration. Hopefully the first or second week of 
July. I plan to start with the small stuff, like tools and 
visuald to make sure there are no problems with tying things off 
in Bugzilla (the app won't close the migrated issues, but will 
leave comments on them noting that they've been migrated, with a 
link to the GH issue). I'll keep a thread running here noting 
when I'm starting on each Bugzilla component (tools, phobos, dmd, 
etc.) and when it's finished.

The whole process should take a few days. We have to be mindful 
of rate limits on API usage, which means some of the components 
will take quite a while to migrate. I doubt I'll run them all 
back to back, but we'll see how it goes.

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