It's basically Hindley-Milner.

jmh530 john.michael.hall at
Fri Mar 24 13:17:40 UTC 2023

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:44:28 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:
> [snip]
> It's important to understand that IFTI does something 
> *completely different* than normal type inference: it does 
> *backwards* type inference. It's more similar to 
> [Hindley-Milner] than D's normal "forward" type resolution.

I agree that it needs some kind of backwards type resolution.

Using the same initial example of the OP, consider something like 
below (that's not valid D code currently).

template Vec3(T) {
     alias Vec3 = Matrix!(T, 3, 1);

     template opResolveAlias(alias U)
         static if(is(U == Matrix!(V, 3, 1), V))
             alias opResolveAlias = Vec3!V;
             static assert(0);

The `Vec3` function has another template alias associated with it 
that handles the resolution, call it `opResolveAlias`. It can 
take some type `U`, check if it matches the right hand side of 
the original alias and then tells the compiler that it is a 
`Vec3!V`. For simple aliases, the `opResolveAlias` could be 
auto-generated by the compiler if not provided by the user. 
Regardless, the important thing would be that `Vec3!V` is kept as 
Vec3!V and not rewritten to `Matrix!(V, 3, 1)`. You could even 
give it another notation, like `this!V` to make that effect 
clearer. Then, when the compiler is doing template alias 
resolution, it can tell that it is a template alias and do a 

So for instance, if you have `is(T == Vec3!S, S)` then you can 
re-write it `is(Vec3.opResolveAlias!T == Vec3!S, S)`. Functions 
might be a little more complicated, but the idea is the same: if 
you pass some `T t` into a function `foo(S)(Vec3!S x) {}`, then 
the resolution can similar check that `Vec3!S` is a template 
alias and apply `Vec3.opResolveAlias!T` to any incoming `T`s.

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