Is UI interesting for us?

Dejan Lekic dejan.lekic at
Tue Mar 28 12:04:27 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 25 March 2023 at 10:03:29 UTC, Ikey Doherty wrote:
> Is there general interest in UI within the D community? And is 
> there enough to have our own toolkit, or would we be better 
> placed to contribute to the likes of gtk-d?
> I have a selfish interest in this, hence asking. While spinning 
> a ui toolkit isn't hard, doing it properly can be 
> (accessibility)

I use GtkD in one project as it is, at the moment, the best GUI 
toolkit for D.
I would prefer a GUI toolkit entirely done by the D community, 
from scratch (maybe using Adam's simpledisplay as starting point 
idk) with ideas borrowed from JavaFX/Swing and similar.

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