Feedback from the Gripes and Wishes Campaign

IGotD- nise at
Sat May 20 11:34:41 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 20 May 2023 at 00:49:09 UTC, Theo wrote:
> Now, unfortunately, D has no 'experimental' release, so 
> programmers who like how this *helps them* better express their 
> code, never got a chance to use it - and still don't.

This is exactly what I would think would be helpful, a new branch 
for experimental and disruptive features. A branch that is 
outside the control of the maintainers or at least they don't 
care about it. A branch where D can evolve and diverge from D2.

The best would be if the branch could be located at the official 
D repo at github but safest would be it should be hosted in a 
separate fork. The question is how we can replicate the CI system 
in order to suit the needs.

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