We're long overdue for a "D is awesome" post

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at qfbox.info
Tue May 30 21:42:04 UTC 2023

So here's one.

Today, I was writing some code that iterates over a data structure and
writes output to bunch of different files. It looks something like this:

void genSplitHtml(Data data, ...) {
	auto outputTemplate = File("template.html", "r");
	foreach (...) {
		auto filename = generateFilename(...);
		auto sink = File(filename, "w").lockingTextWriter;
		while (line; outputTemplate.byLine) {
			if (line.canFind("MAGIC_TOKEN")) {
			} else {

Since the whole point of this function was to write output to different
files (with automatically determined names), I wanted to write a
unittest that tests whether it creates the correct files with the
correct contents.  But I didn't want unittests to touch the actual
filesystem either -- didn't want to have to clean up the mess during
development where the code might sometimes break and leave detritus
behind in a temporary directory, or interact badly with other unittests
running in parallel, etc..

And I didn't want to do a massive code refactoring to make genSplitHtml
more unittestable. (Which would have more chances of screwing up and
having bugs creep in, which defeats the purpose of this exercise.)

So I came up with this solution:

1) Rewrite the function to:

	void genSplitHtml(File = std.stdio.File)(Data data, ...) { ... }

   The default parameter binds to the real filesystem by default, so
   other code that uses this function don't have to change to deal with
   a new API.  Then for the unittest code:

2) Create a fake virtual filesystem in my unittest block:

	static struct MockFile {
		static string[string] files;

		string fname;
		this(string _fname, string mode) {
			// ignore `mode` for this test
			fname = _fname;

		// Mock replacement for std.stdio.File.lockingTextWriter
		auto lockingTextWriter() {
			return (const(char)[] data) {
				// simulate writing to a file
				files[fname] ~= data.dup;
		void rewind() {} // dummy
		void close() {} // dummy
		auto byLine() {
			// We're mostly writing to files, and only
			// reading from a specific one. So just fake its
			// contents here.
			if (fname != "template.html") return [];
			else return [

Then instead of calling genSplitHtml(...), the unittest calls it as
genSplitHtml!MockFile(...). This replaces std.stdio.File with MockFile,
and thanks to D templates and the range API, the rest of the code just
adapted itself automatically to the MockFile fake filesystem. After the
function is done, the unittest just has to inspect the contents of
MockFile.files to verify that the correct files are there, and that
their contents are correct.

Took me like 10 minutes to write MockFile and a unittest that checks for
correct behaviour using the fake filesystem.

MockFile can be expanded in the future to simulate, e.g. a full
filesystem, a filesystem that occasionally (or always) fails, or
corrupts data, etc.: test cases that would be impractical to test with a
real filesystem.  Best of all, I get all of this "for free": no existing
code has to change except for that single new template parameter to the
target function.

D not only r0x0rs, D boulders!!


Heads I win, tails you lose.

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