Updated Sublime Text plugin (Dkit)

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 11:56:13 UTC 2023


LSP is nice, but is memory hungry.., consumes double than the 
actual completion engine (DCD)


I'm using Sublime Text and i found DKit [1], it's nice but is 
synchronous and was missing few bits that serve-d has, so i went 
ahead and i improved it in a fork (the project seems innactive) 


I plan to continue work on this the whole week, so if you have 
suggestions, let me know

Config example:

     // Path to the directory containing both dcd-client and 
dcd-server executables
     "dcd_path": "C:\\D\\dcd",
     // Port to use for DCD client and server
     "dcd_port": 9166,
     // Include path for existing source files.
     // DCD will also provide completion for dub dependencies
     "include_paths": [
     "suppress_dependency_folders": false

[1] - https://github.com/yazd/DKit
[2] - https://github.com/ryuukk/DKit

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