Just another example of missing string interpolation

kdevel kdevel at vogtner.de
Fri Oct 13 11:14:01 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 12 October 2023 at 13:39:46 UTC, Andrea Fontana 
> Real life example. Render a string like this:
> ```
> \x1b[2K\r\x1b[1mProgress:\x1b[0m 50% \x1b[1m\tSpeed:\x1b[0m 
> 15.5 KB/s
> ```
> now (error prone and difficult to debug, try to code it!):

Where is the specific problem?

import std.stdio;
int main (string [] args)
    enum fmt = "\x1b[2K\r\x1b[1mProgress:\x1b[0m %s%% 
\x1b[1m\tSpeed:\x1b[0m > %s KB/s";
    writeln (fmt);
    writefln!fmt (75, 11.11);
    return 0;

$ ./prgs
Progress: %s%%  Speed: > %s KB/s
Progress: 75%   Speed: > 11.11 KB/s

The words `Progress` and `Speed` appear highlighted in my console.

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