String Interpolation

Nick Treleaven nick at
Sun Oct 22 20:21:54 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 21 October 2023 at 12:44:51 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> Doing so ties it to a specific formatting library.
> Which isn't acceptable, we need to remove coupling between the 
> language and druntime let alone Phobos. Its nothing but trouble 
> coupling the language to a library especially for a language 
> feature which doesn't need to be.

If the string conversion function is a template then there's no 
dependency unless it is actually needed. Allocating a string is a 
fundamental part of D. Wanting a string from an interpolated 
string is likely the most common case. Doing this must not 
require importing a function from anywhere, otherwise I might as 
well not use an interpreted string and save myself writing an 
import. So at minimum, the interpolated string must support a 
method suffix to request a string. That method can be a template 
so interpolated strings can still be used in @nogc, betterC, etc.

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