Ensuring that quality dub packages don't get permanently abandoned

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at cattermole.co.nz
Tue Sep 12 01:15:56 UTC 2023

We had a situation a few years ago where key tooling (libdparse and 
friends) were basically abandoned.

So we created dlang-community to help aid in keeping projects alive. 
Basically it allowed a backup plan to be in place for such projects as 
far as having someone to be able to merge PR's and onboard a new code owner.

As one of the owners of dlang-community its my job to aid people in on 
boarding while giving a structure to ensure people don't step on a 
previous or possibly current code owner.

Our governance can be found here: 

So not a bad idea, we have the structure of where to put projects, but 
we're missing the teams aspect.

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