Memory safe in D

Quirin Schroll at
Thu Apr 25 16:01:44 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 06:05:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Consider the following:
> ```
> class A { void bar(); }
> void foo(int i) {
>     A a;
>     if (i) a = new A();
>     ...
>     if (i);
> }
> ```
> What happens if we apply data flow analysis to determine the 
> state of `a` when it calls `bar()`? It will determine that `a` 
> has the possible values (`null`, new A()`). Hence, it will give 
> an error that `a` is possibly null at that point.

A type system can come to this conclusion, no control-flow 
analysis needed.

> Yet the code is correct, not buggy.

Depends on what `...` does with `i`.

> Yes, the compiler could figure out that `i` is the same, but 
> the conditions can be more complex such that the compiler 
> cannot figure it out (the halting problem).
> So that doesn't work.

It seems you want the compiler not to diagnose “obvious” cases 
where a null check would be superfluous. My sense is the more 
formal/mathy inclined people don’t even ask for that.

> We could lower `` to `NullCheck(a).bar()` which throws 
> an exception if `a` is null. But what have we gained there? 
> Nothing. The program still aborts with an exception, just like 
> if the hardware checked. Except we've got this manual check 
> that costs extra code and CPU time.

Please not. Just raise a compile-error.

> BTW, doing data flow analysis is very expensive in terms of 
> compiler run time. The optimizer does it, but running the 
> optimizer is optional for that reason.

You don’t need data flow analysis if the type system can tell 
which values are potentially `null` and which aren’t.

Comprehensive example:

// Using hypothetical syntax similar to C# and Kotlin
void foo(int i) {
     A? a; // Change 1: Tell the type system that `a` is possibly 
     if (i) a = new A();
     if (i) (cast(A)a).bar(); // Change 2: A cast to assert `a` is 
not null.
The question is, will `i` be (effectively) changed in `...`? If 
it won’t, the two `if` checks are the same and `` would be 
fine. Only the type system doesn't know. It sees a `A?` object 
having a method called on it.
Going from the original code to this would happen like this:
1. Trying to compile, you get an error stating that `A a` must be 
either initialized or be a nullable type (i.e. `A? a`) if `a` is 
supposed to be potentially `null`. Okay, you think, it’s supposed 
to be `null`, i.e. you use `A?`.
2. Trying to compile again, you get an error saying `a` cannot 
have a method called on it because its type says it’s possibly 
`null`, and you have to make sure somehow that it won’t be: 
Options are:
     * Use `a?.bar()` which only calls `bar` if `a` isn’t null.
     * Use `a!.bar()` which asserts (throwing an Error) that `a` 
isn’t null and then calls `bar`.
     * Use an explicit cast, which just silences the error, i.e. 
inserts no check, meaning it gives you a segfault if `a` is null.

3. So you insert a cast, assuming you don’t meaningfully touch 
`i` in `...`.

You’re absolutely right that a segfault is infinitely better than 
UB, but a type system that catches potential/likely segfaults 
before the program even runs once is infinitely better than 
segfaults. In this example, if `...` does change to `i`, the cast 
is ill-posed and you go back to segfault land. If you’re unsure, 
`a!.bar()` is probably better. It’s definitely safer. (And, for 
the segfault land enthusiasts, we can add syntax sugar for the 
cast: `cast(!null)` for cases when the type is not known or 
needlessly long.

What you do need control-flow analysis for is if you want to 
avoid those casts in “obvious” cases (e.g. if the `...` doesn’t 
write to `i`). What doesn’t need control-flow analysis are 
language constructs that the compiler recognizes as null checks. 
Just imagine for a moment D had `final` as a type constructor 
which for classes means head-const. On `if (a !is null)` the 
compiler can add a new variable `A __a = cast(A)a;` and attempt 
to use `__a` instead of `a` in the code block. If it succeeds, 
`a` isn’t possibly reassigned `null` and therefore stays 
non-null. No additional clutter needed in the block. Recognizing 
this pattern isn’t that hard I hope. It’s definitely less 
expensive than control-flow analysis.

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