Object.toString, toHash, opCmp, opEquals

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Thu Apr 25 23:36:18 UTC 2024

On 4/26/24 01:06, Walter Bright wrote:
> The prototypes are:
> ```
> string toString();
> size_t toHash() @trusted nothrow;
> int opCmp(Object o);
> bool opEquals(Object o);
> ```
> ...

Beautiful. If I could change anything, I would remove `@trusted nothrow` 
from `toHash`. Or just delete all the functions.

> which long predated `const`. The trouble is, they should be:
> ```
> string toString() const;
> size_t toHash() const @trusted nothrow;
> int opCmp(const Object o) const;
> bool opEquals(const Object o) const;
> ```
> ...

No, please.

> Without the `const` annotations, the functions are not usable by `const` 
> objects without doing an unsafe cast. This impairs anyone wanting to 
> write const-correct code,

"const correctness" does not work in D because const

a) provides actual guarantees
b) is transitive

It is fundamentally incompatible with many common patters of 
object-oriented and other state abstraction. It is not even compatible 
with the range API. Uses of `const` are niche. `const` is nice when it 
does work, but it's not something you can impose on all code, 
particularly object-oriented code.

> and also impedes use of `@live` functions.
> ...

Perfect. I have no intention of using `@live` functions. I do not see 
their utility. It would be good to reuse the dataflow analysis you 
implemented for `@live` in some productive way though.

> I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter 
> them to have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them against 
> any changes to Object's signatures.

I will not do that, because if it does not outright break my code (e.g. 
because Phobos cannot support `const` ranges), it actually limits my 
options in the future in a way that is entirely unnecessary.

This is a non-starter. We need another solution.

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