A proposal: Sumtypes

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 18:10:37 UTC 2024

I personally not a fan of having a new keyword, it's words i can 
no longer use in my code, we have `union` and `enum` a sumtype is 
the combination of both, so why not:

union MyTaggedUnion: enum {
     A a,
     B b,
     C c,

It'd loose your one liner idea however

I am not a fan of using `.match` and not a fun of having `match` 
wich is yet another new keyword, why not reuse `switch`?

It's easy to distinguish with C's switch, just check presence of 

switch (value) {
     :A => writeln("This is A: ", value);
     :B => writeln("This is B: ", value);
     else => writeln("something else");

I would also make a proposal for `switch` as expression, wich i 
guess already is possible with your `match` idea?

I like it so far, hopefully things moves fast from now on

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