By ref and by pointer kills performance.

Johan j at
Tue Feb 13 13:30:11 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 13 February 2024 at 03:31:31 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> dmd having bad codegen here isn't a surprise, that is to be 
> expected.
> Now for ldc:
> ```d
> void fillBP(immutable(uint*) value, uint* dest) {
>      dest[0] = *value;
>      dest[1] = *value;
>      dest[2] = *value;
>      dest[3] = *value;
> }
> ```
> I expected that to not do the extra loads, but it did.

I hope someone can find the link to some DConf talk (me or 
Andrei) or forum post where I talk about why LDC assumes that 
`immutable(uint*)` points to _mutable_ (nota bene) data. The 
reason is the mutable thread synchronization field in immutable 
class variable storage (`__monitor`), combined with casting an 
immutable class to an array of immutable bytes.

Side-effects in-between immutable(uint*) lookup could run into a 
synchronization event on the immutable data (i.e. mutating it).
In the case of `fillBP` there are no side-effects possible 
between the reads, so it appears that indeed the optimization 
could be done. But a different thread might write to the data. I 
don't know how that data-race is then defined...
For the general case, side-effects are possible (e.g. a function 
call) so it is not possible to simply assume that `immutable` 
reference arguments never alias to other reference arguments; 
this complicates implementing the desired optimization.
I'm not saying it is impossible, it's just extra effort (and 
proof is needed).


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