Please fix `.init` property

Hipreme msnmancini at
Sun Jan 7 23:12:30 UTC 2024

I was doing a completely functional code, then I noticed some 
variable changing abruptly to a strange value. After the first 
run in a function, the value completely changed, I've reduced and 
found that I was able to actually modify `.init`.

struct MyTest
     string[] dirs = ["source"];

void DoIt(ref MyTest a )
     a.dirs[0] = null;

void main()
     MyTest t;
     MyTest t2;
     assert(t2.dirs == MyTest.init.dirs); //Crashes

Looks like everyone knew this bug existed, but it caused me waste 
4 hours trying to find when did it happen. I can't understand why 
this has not been fixed yet, but this leads to extremely erratic 
behaviour, which I'm going to do an ugly workaround.

Since we are on a year of stability, I think getting this kind of 
bug fixed could be a priority.

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