We are forking D

Guillaume Piolat first.name at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 11:24:29 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 10 January 2024 at 10:40:51 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi 
> Let's come back to pragmatism:
> - everyone thinks DIP1038e is far better than DIP1027

This isn't strictly true.

Some people like me don't care at all don't have time to read DIP 
and arguments, and trust the core team to choose for them. It's 
called having someone responsible for the design.

I'm in the camp of people fed up hearing about string 
interpolation for the last 3 months, and all the drama 
surrounding it. I'd rather not have string interpolation than 
just hearing about people complaining for months. Because this is 
what happened and at this point I can very well live without 
variables in quotes.

That's from seeing the leadership fence off bad ideas since years 
and years.
A lot of the times, about the right decision was taken.
It's painful seeing people becoming ever more demanding of 
open-source projects.

And I remember very well this community to be against 
introduction of @nogc, of UDAs (there was massive backlash), of 
-betterC, of memory-safety... including me.

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