named arguments, string interpolation, please stop.

deadalnix deadalnix at
Thu Jan 11 18:02:46 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 11 January 2024 at 13:09:56 UTC, FeepingCreature 
> On Thursday, 11 January 2024 at 13:07:52 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
>> There is nothing features like string interpolations or named 
>> argument can bring to the table that could pay for the 
>> implementations problem of existing feature.
> FWIW: I anticipate named arguments significantly improving our 
> code. Large parts of boilerplate's generated builders exist 
> only due to D's lack of native named arguments.

Sure on the other hand, of the top level languages, very few do 
have named arguments.
C, C++, javascript, Jave, C#, Rust, PHP, Go, none of them has 
named argument. Sure, some of the usual suspect do, such as 
python, but they are a minority, and the conclusion remains: 
named arguments may be nice to have, but aren't what's preventing 
anyone from using D.

There is a design mistake I see people making again and again, 
and it goes way beyond software: they design for what their 
current most satisfied users want. But that's really dumb, these 
people are already happy with the product! Anyone in this forum 
fall into that bucket, by the way. You got to observe how D is 
used int he wild by people not frequenting this space. What 
problem do they encounter? What frustrates them? What make the 
stop using it? These are the people you want to design for if you 
want to actually improve the product.

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