The forked elephant in the room

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Tue Jan 16 06:38:16 UTC 2024

On 16/01/2024 3:25 PM, Mike Shah wrote:
> (As an aside, my Ph.D. work was in Java doing some concurrency studies 
> on performance -- so eventually I'd like to do more research work in D 
> on this topic)

If you would like a suggestion on this topic, may I suggest coroutines?

 From what I've seen in my library implementation they are the right way 
to do asynchronous coding and they are at the fore-front of concurrency 

What is very interesting is that in D, as long as a function is being 
compiled the compiler could slice and dice it into a coroutine object 
(such as a closure) without needing to be annotated as such explicitly.

It could be done implicitly upon the library struct that represents the 
language coroutine constructor.

No async/await, no writing for asynchronously, just sequentially.

For these reasons I've told Adam Wilson that if I am to be involved with 
an event loop library for PhobosV3, I would not consider it without such 
a feature. Because the alternatives are either a hacked together 
workaround that is fail heavy (fibers), or rather involved in how you 
need to write (callbacks).

Lastly, what I call a future completion (a specific coroutine) is 
probably one of my most genius ideas of all time. It allows things like 
socket read to return a coroutine that will be triggered in say async 
read mechanism, but work with the coroutine worker runner dependency 

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