Improvement to struct inheritance possible?

Meta jared771 at
Thu Jan 18 20:43:30 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 07:10:49 UTC, Danilo wrote:
> The following code does not work, and I think it may be a bug 
> or could need an enhancement:
> ```d
> module app;
> import std;
> void main() {
>     auto x = new Derived(10, 20);
> }
> struct Base {
>     int a;
> }
> struct Derived
> {
>     Base base;
>     int b;
>     alias this = base;
>     @disable this();
>     // `a` is not available for use with constructor parameters.
>     //
>     this( typeof(a) _a, typeof(b) _b ) {
>         //
>         // inside the body of the constructor, `a` is available!
>         //
>         a = _a;
>         b = _b;
>         writeln( a, ", ", b );
>     }
> }
> ```
> The use of `typeof(a)` as a constructor parameter gives:
> Error: undefined identifier `a`
> Instead I have to explicitely use:
> ```d
> this( typeof(this.a) _a, typeof(b) _b )
> // or
> this( typeof(base.a) _a, typeof(b) _b )
> ```
> I think this may be a bug, because `base` was imported into the 
> scope using `alias this = base` and should therefore be 
> available as plain `a`.
> With class inheritance everything works as expected:
> ```d
> module app;
> import std;
> class A {
>     int x;
> }
> class B : A {
>     int y;
> }
> class C : B {
>     int z;
>     this( typeof(x) _x, typeof(y) _y, typeof(z) _z) {
>         writeln(
>             _x, ", ",
>             _y, ", ",
>             _z
>         );
>     }
> }
> void main() {
>     new C(10, 20, 30);
> }
> ```
> Could this please get improved a little bit, so "inherited" 
> structure members using `alias this` are already available for 
> constructor paramaters?
> Thanks!

This won't work because `alias this` is not inheritance ini the 
object oriented, class-based sense. All it does is when you try 
to access a symbol through a Derived struct (e.g. `Derived d; 
writeln(d.a);`) that the compiler sees does not exist in Derived, 
it will rewrite that to `Derived d; writeln(d.base.a);` (and also 
when you pass a Derived to a method taking a Base, it will 
automatically be rewritten to pass the Derived struct's Base 
member to the method instead).

You really cannot think of `alias this` as inheritance, because 
it is not at all the same as the object-oriented concept of 
inheritance. You'll only run into problems thinking of it that 

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