Varargs issue with LDC

Don Allen donaldcallen at
Wed Jan 31 15:25:44 UTC 2024

As mentioned in previous posts, I've written a personal finance 
manager in D (ported from the original C) that works well when 
compiled with dmd.

When compiled with ldc, however, it segfaults when I try to 
perform an operation that involves a call to a varargs function 
in gtk3. The segfault occurs in the
bowels of gtk3, but a backtrace in gdb shows that the last thing 
that happened in my code was the call to the varargs function 
that I refer to above. At this point I am assuming, but do not 
know, that the issue is related to the varargs nature of the 
called gtk function.

This is disappointing. Has anyone experienced a similar issue 
with ldc or knows of known varargs problems with ldc? I did check 
the ldc github repository and did not find an open issue that 
sounds similar to what I'm seeing.

This problem occurred on an up-to-date Arch Linux system with the 
latest release of ldc installed.

/Don Allen

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