Google's take on memory safety

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Wed Mar 6 16:57:59 UTC 2024

Temporal safety is something I am specifically interested in.

I don't think its going to be one solution, but a group of features that 
will work together.

Isolated, reference counting, locking, atomics will all play a role.

Right now my research needs to go into type state analysis, getting a 
design for that will enable us to support the more interesting logic.

That will also handle nullability of pointers too, so it has a lot of 

Lastly, dmd-fe needs to get a major upgrade in its analysis of memory.

We need to be able to track what variables contribute towards the 
assignment (SSA) of another variable. Along with values (new ext.).

What variable contributes towards a function argument and the parameter 
it maps to.

I tried to start writing up some analysis of this at the end of 
semantic3 right before @live (to replace it). But ran into trouble at 
the AST level.

I really need a UML class diagram of the AST along with a way to dump 
the AST as XML (although an object diagram would be nice too).
I haven't tried writing a tool for that (class diagram of AST should 
auto-generate an image into PR), but I expect it'll be the same problem 
wrt. AST understanding.

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