Separate dynamic object arrays for multiple instances of overlying object

Mike Parker aldacron at
Thu Mar 14 09:53:27 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 14 March 2024 at 09:43:09 UTC, Jonathan wrote:
> I'm having some trouble creating arrays that are themselves 
> unique within multiple instances of an object.  Example code:
> ```
> class individual
> {
>     int a = 1; // placeholder for data
> }
> class individualList
> {
>     individual[] individuals;  // Something likely has to 
> change here
> }
> void main()
> {
>     individualList list1 = new  individualList();
>     assert(list1.individuals.length == 0);
>     individual person1 = new individual();
>     list1.individuals ~= person1;
>     assert(list1.individuals.length == 1);
>     individualList list2 = new individualList();
>     assert(list2.individuals.length == 0); // breaks, 
> list2.individuals.length is 1
> }
> ```
> I'd like the array "individuals" to be unique for each instance 
> of individualList, but it seems to be using the same list among 
> the different instances.

Shouldn't be. Each non static class member is a distinct thing in 
each instance of the class. They are not shared across instances. 
When I paste your code into and add this:


No asserts trigger and I see this output as expected:


Is the code you pasted here exactly what you're running?

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