apparently has wrongly laid out Vtable

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Wed Mar 20 04:14:44 UTC 2024

On 20/03/2024 12:36 PM, Carl Sturtivant wrote:
>     This is why you must cast the D object to IUnknown first before
>     inspecting its reference.
> I do not think this follows, either for a regular D object or a COM 
> object. For the first the class hierarchy can determine the order of the 
> virtual methods and overriding doesn't change the index of a method with 
> a given signature. For a COM object the order of the methods in the 
> Vtable is determined by the COM interface that the object is 
> implementing. In the case of this thread, it's determined by the 
> definition of IUnknown in COM.

I suspect you have misunderstood another aspect of classes in general.

First an example, a class and an interface WILL have a different vtable 
entries even if what the vtable represents is the same thing.

import std.stdio : writeln;

void main() {
     C c = new C;
     I i = cast(I)c;

     printVtable(c.__vptr, 3);
     printVtable(i.__vptr, 3);

     printMember!"query"(i, c);
     printMember!"add"(i, c);
     printMember!"sub"(i, c);

void printVtable(immutable(void)* vtable, size_t members) {
     writeln("vtable ", vtable);

     void** ptr = cast(void**)vtable;

     foreach(i; 0 .. members) {
         writeln("- ", ptr[i]);

void printMember(string member, T, U)(T first, U second) {
         member, " ",
         "First: ", (&__traits(getMember, first, member)).funcptr,
         " Second: ", (&__traits(getMember, second, member)).funcptr

extern(C++) interface I {
     void query();
     void add();
     void sub();

extern(C++) class C : I {
     override void query() {}
     override void add() {}
     override void sub() {}

Will output:

vtable 562927D04210
- 562927C9577C
- 562927C9578C
- 562927C9579C
vtable 562927D041E8
- 562927C9566C
- 562927C9567C
- 562927C9568C
query First: 562927C9566C Second: 562927C9577C
add First: 562927C9567C Second: 562927C9578C
sub First: 562927C9568C Second: 562927C9579C

The reason for this is something called a thunk.

.text	segment
	assume	CS:.text
		sub	RDI,8
		jmp	  _ZN1C5queryEv at PLT32
		add	byte ptr [RAX],0
		add	[RAX],AL
		sub	RDI,8
		jmp	  _ZN1C3addEv at PLT32
		add	byte ptr [RAX],0
		add	[RAX],AL
		sub	RDI,8
		jmp	  _ZN1C3subEv at PLT32
		add	[RAX],AL
		add	[RAX],AL
.text	ends
.data	segment

These are functions that alter in this case the this pointer to align 
with what the actual function expects.

Without it the interface will not understand how to call the class and 
all the pointers will be a little bit off, in this case the size of a 
pointer aka the extra vtable entry.

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