module variant; version (Tango) import tango.core.Tuple : IndexOf, Unique; else import std.typetuple : IndexOf, Unique = NoDuplicates; /** Simple Discriminated Unions for D. (Lacking support for recursive types and _extensible_ pattern matching.) Author: Reiner Pope Licence: Public Domain This module presents an implementation of type-safe discriminated unions for D, employing meta-programming to implement pattern-matching. The base data-structure is the Variant struct, which takes a list of types: alias Variant!(int, char[], Foo) MyVariant; // MyVariant is a type which can be assigned ints, char[]s, or Foo's. Pattern matching can be done with a Match!() or a MatchStrict!() statement, both of which have the same prototype: they expect the variable as a first parameter, followed by a list of cases. A case is created using the Case!() template: first parameter expresses the pattern, which can be of two forms: "type name" eg "int n" "{type1|type2|...} name" eg "{int|float|char[]} f" second parameter is the code to be executed with this newly-declared variable. It should be D code, which makes sense when injected (via mixin) to the calling scope.*/ public: template Case(char[] pattern, char[] code) { static if (pattern[0] == '{') { alias MakeCaseList!(findNewPatterns(pattern), code).List Case; } else alias CaseImpl!(pattern, code) Case; } template Match(alias Variant, Cases...) { const char[] Match = MatchImpl!(Variant, false, Cases); } template MatchStrict(alias Variant, Cases...) { const char[] MatchStrict = MatchImpl!(Variant, true, Cases); } struct Variant(T...) { ulong _variant_type; alias T Types; union { T _variant_data; } public: mixin(makeOpAssigns!(0, T)); } private: template CaseImpl(char[] pattern, char[] code) { const bool IsCase = true; const char[] Pattern = pattern; const char[] Code = code; const int SeparatorIndex = findLastWhitespace(pattern); static assert(SeparatorIndex != -2, "Pattern must have no newlines"); static assert(SeparatorIndex > 0, "Pattern must be of the form 'type name'"); const char[] TypeName = pattern[0..SeparatorIndex]; const char[] VariableName = pattern[SeparatorIndex..$]; mixin("alias " ~ TypeName ~ " Type;"); char[] GenerateCode(ulong[] indices) { assert(indices.length > 0, "Unreachable case statement: " ~ pattern); char[] genCode = "// pattern: " ~ pattern ~ \n; // Generate the 'case 5:' statements foreach (i; indices) genCode ~= \t "case " ~ itoa(i) ~ ":\n"; genCode ~= pattern ~ ";\n"; // Instantiate the variable: if (indices.length == 1) genCode ~= VariableName ~ " = _variant_data[" ~ itoa(indices[0]) ~ "];\n"; else { genCode ~= "switch (_variant_type) {\n"; foreach (i; indices) genCode ~= "case " ~ itoa(i) ~ ": " ~ VariableName ~ " = _variant_data[" ~ itoa(i) ~ "]; break;\n"; genCode ~= "}\n"; } genCode ~= code ~ \n "break;" \n \n; return genCode; } } template MakeCaseList(PatternsThenCode...) { static if (PatternsThenCode[0].length == 0) alias Tuple!() List; else alias Tuple!(Case!(PatternsThenCode[0][0], PatternsThenCode[1]), MakeCaseList!(PatternsThenCode[0].slice(1), PatternsThenCode[1]).List) List; } template Tuple(T...) { alias T Tuple; } char[][] slice(char[][] list, size_t index1, size_t index2 = size_t.max) { if (index2 == size_t.max) return list[index1..$]; return list[index1..index2]; } char[][] findNewPatterns(char[] pattern) { char[][] types; char[] name; size_t beginIndex = 1; foreach (size_t i, char c; pattern) { if (c == '|' || c == '}') { assert(i > beginIndex, "Multi-pattern format is {type1|type2|type3|type4} name"); types ~= pattern[beginIndex .. i]; beginIndex = i + 1; } if (c == '}') name = pattern[i + 1..$]; } char[][] retVal; foreach (char[] type; types) { retVal ~= type ~ name; } return retVal; } int findLastWhitespace(char[] pattern) { int index = -1; for (int i = pattern.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pattern[i] == '\t' || pattern[i] == ' ' && index == -1) index = i; } return index; } const ulong[] EmptyIndexList = []; template MatchImpl(alias Variant, bool Strict, Cases...) { const char[] MatchImpl = "with (" ~ Variant.stringof ~ ") {" \n "switch (_variant_type) {" \n ~ GenerateCases!(typeof(Variant), Strict, EmptyIndexList, Cases).Code ~ \n "default: break;" \n "} \n" "}"; } template TypeIndices(Type1, T...) { static if (IndexOf!(Type1, T) >= 0) const ulong[] TypeIndices = [cast(ulong)IndexOf!(Type1, T)]; else const ulong[] TypeIndices = DerivedIndices!(Type1, 0, T); } template GenerateCases(VType, bool Strict, IndicesThenCases...) { // Lets grab our parameters again const ulong[] usedIndices = IndicesThenCases[0]; alias IndicesThenCases[1..$] Cases; static if (Cases.length == 0) { static assert(!Strict || (usedIndices.length == VType.Types.length), "Not all cases expressed in match statement"); const char[] Code = ""; } else { static assert(Cases[0].IsCase, "Match statement must be composed of Case!() statements"); alias Cases[0] TheFirstCase; // A workaround for bug #1215 alias TheFirstCase.Type TheType; const ulong[] indices = TypeIndices!(TheType, VType.Types); const ulong[] uniqueIndices = removeOnesUsedFrom(indices, usedIndices); const char[] Code = Cases[0].GenerateCode(uniqueIndices) ~ GenerateCases!(VType, Strict, getConcat(usedIndices, uniqueIndices), Cases[1..$]).Code; } } // A workaround for bug #1216 ulong[] getConcat(ulong[] a, ulong[] b) { return a ~ b; } ulong[] removeOnesUsedFrom(ulong[] indices, ulong[] others) { ulong[] retVal = []; foreach (k; indices) { bool found = false; foreach (j; others) { if (j == k) found = true; break; } if (!found) retVal ~= k; } return retVal; } template DerivedIndices(Type1, ulong index = 0, T...) { static if (index == T.length) { const ulong[] DerivedIndices = []; } else { static if (is(T[index] : Type1)) { const ulong[] DerivedIndices = index ~ DerivedIndices!(Type1, index+1, T); } else { const ulong[] DerivedIndices = DerivedIndices!(Type1, index+1, T); } } } template makeOpAssigns(ulong index, T...) { /* This code here would be preferable, but because of overriding rules with index, it doesn't work at the moment. static if (index < T.length) { pragma(msg, itoa(index)); typeof(*this) opAssign(T[index] value) { _variant_data[index] = value; _variant_type = index; return *this; } mixin makeOpAssigns!(index + 1, T); } */ static if (index == T.length) const char[] makeOpAssigns = ""; else { const char[] makeOpAssigns = " typeof(*this) opAssign(" ~ T[index].stringof ~ " value) { _variant_data[" ~ itoa(index) ~ "] = value; _variant_type = " ~ itoa(index) ~ "; return *this; }\n" ~ makeOpAssigns!(index + 1, T); } } template GenerateList(ulong index, T...) { static if (T.length == 0) const char[] GenerateList = ""; else const char[] GenerateList = T[0].stringof ~ " _variant_data[" ~ itoa(index) ~ "]; " ~ GenerateList!(index + 1, T[1..$]); } char[] itoa(ulong x) { char[] s=""; do { s = cast(char)('0' + (x%10)) ~ s; x /= 10; } while (x>0); return s; }