class C { int i, j, k; int Foo(int l, int m, int n) { int nestedFn() { return m; } // this is a comment if(somthing) Do(somthing); // this is the firat part if(that) // this is also a part { this.Foo(j,k,i); other(); } else that.Foo(k,i,j); if(test1) { doThis(op1); doThat(op1); } //lots of stuff the same if(test2) { doThis(op2); doThat(op2); } if(test3) { doThis(op3); doThat(op3); } if(test4) { doThis(op4); doThat(op4); } int Iarg1, Iagr2; //mated vars float FltArg1, FltArg2; realyLongFuntionCall( arg1, arg2, arg3, FunctionCallInMiddle(i,j,k,l,m,n), More, args, than, will, fit, nicely); int a = 1; int b = 2 int lgn = 3 switch(i) { case 1: case 2: case 3, 4, 5: first(); while(k--) { j++; } break; case 9, 8: last(); break; default: throw new Error("an error"); } int delegate(int) dg = (int i) { dg = (int i) { dg = &nestedFn(); return 0; } return nestedFn(); } dg(); dg(); dg(); static if(b1) {somthing();} else static if(b2) {other();} else {last();} } }