module dict3; import; import tango.core.Memory; import tango.core.Traits; import tango.util.container.HashMap; import tango.time.StopWatch; import tango.stdc.stdio; //for printf import tango.stdc.string; //for memset /* * This file includes a closed hash map implementation inspired by Pythons Dictionary implementation. * The code of this file is placed into Public Domain. * * Author: Moritz Warning * * * Compiler command used for testing: * gdc dict3.d -o dict3 -fversion=Posix -fversion=Tango -I/home/user/local/include/d/4.1.2 -L/home/user/local/lib -lgtango -ffast-math -O3 -frelease -finline-functions -msse -mfpmath=sse */ const uint M = 1; //number of tests to run const uint N = 1_000_000; //number of inserts and lookups double lookup_time = 0; double insert_time = 0; StopWatch w; void main() { GC.disable(); for (size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) { run(); } printf("%u x %u iterations\n", M, N); printf("inserts: %u/s (%fs)\n", cast(uint) (M * N / insert_time), (insert_time / M)); printf("lookups: %u/s (%fs)\n",cast(uint) (M * N / lookup_time), (lookup_time / M)); } void run() { //printf("uint[uint]\n"); //uint[uint] aa; //printf("HashMap!(ulong, uint, ..)\n"); //scope aa = new HashMap!(uint, uint, Container.hash, Container.reap, Container.Chunk); printf("Dict!(uint, uint)\n"); scope aa = new Dict!(uint, uint)(); w.start; for (uint i=N ; i--;) { aa[i] = i; } insert_time += w.stop(); w.start; for (uint i=N; i--;) { auto foo = (i in aa); } lookup_time += w.stop(); } class Dict(K, V) { private: //ulong, double etc. on 32bit struct BigPODWrapper(T) { T data; size_t hash; void ctor() { static assert(T.sizeof >= size_t.sizeof); hash = typeid(T).getHash(&data); //will work for ulong with additional hash //hash = *cast(size_t*) &data + (cast(size_t*) &data)[1]; //avoid special hashes if(isSpecialKey(*this)) hash += 2; } void markDummy() { this.hash = cast(T) dummy_hash; } alias typeof(*this) TT; static bool cmp1(TT a, TT b) { return ==; } static bool cmp2(TT a, TT b) { return false; } static bool cmp3(TT a, TT b) { return ==; } } //byte, uint etc. on 32bit struct SmallPODWrapper(T) { T data; alias data hash; void ctor() { static assert(T.sizeof <= size_t.sizeof && !isPointerType!(T)); } void markDummy() { = cast(T) dummy_hash; } alias typeof(*this) TT; static bool cmp1(TT a, TT b) { return ==; } static bool cmp2(TT a, TT b) { return false; } static bool cmp3(TT a, TT b) { return ==; } } struct PointerWrapper(T) { T data; void ctor() { static assert(isReferenceType!(T)); } void markDummy() { void* tmp = cast(void*) dummy_hash; = cast(T) tmp; } size_t hash() { return cast(size_t) cast(void*) data; } alias typeof(*this) TT; static bool cmp1(TT a, TT b) { return is; } static bool cmp2(TT a, TT b) { static if(is(a.opEquals)) { return a.opEquals(b); } else { return false; } } static bool cmp3(TT a, TT b) { static if(is(a.opEquals)) { return is || a.opEquals(b); } else { return is; } } } struct ArrayWrapper(T) { T data; size_t hash; void ctor() { static assert(isDynamicArrayType!(T) || isStaticArrayType!(T)); if(data.length == 0) { if(cast(size_t) cast(void*) data.ptr == unused_hash) { hash = unused_hash; return; } else if(cast(size_t) cast(void*) data.ptr == dummy_hash) { hash = dummy_hash; return; } } //hash function void[] a = cast(void[]) data; auto len = a.length; ubyte* p = cast(ubyte *) a.ptr; hash = *p << 7; while (--len != 0) { hash = (1000003 * hash) ^ *p++; } hash ^= a.length; //avoid special hashes if(isSpecialKey(*this)) hash += 2; } void markDummy() { this.hash = dummy_hash; = null; } alias typeof(*this) TT; static bool cmp1(TT a, TT b) { return (a.hash == b.hash && ==; } static bool cmp2(TT a, TT b) { return false; } static bool cmp3(TT a, TT b) { return (a.hash == b.hash && ==; } } /* struct StructWrapper(T) { size_t hash; T data; void ctor() { this.hash = typeid(T).getHash(&data); } //set dummy void markDummy() { this.hash = hash; = T.init; } T getData() { return data; } size_t getHash() { return hash; } alias typeof(*this) TT; static bool cmp1(TT a, TT b) { return typeid(T).equals(&, &; } static bool cmp2(TT a, TT b) { return false; } static bool cmp3(TT a, TT b) { return typeid(T).equals(&, &; } } */ struct GenericWrapper(T) { T data; size_t hash; void ctor() { this.hash = typeid(T).getHash(&data); } void markDummy() { this.hash = 1; = T.init; } size_t getHash() { return hash; } alias typeof(*this) TT; static bool cmp1(TT a, TT b) { return cast(bool) typeid(T).equals(&, &; } static bool cmp2(TT a, TT b) { return false; } static bool cmp3(TT a, TT b) { return cast(bool) typeid(T).equals(&, &; } } /* * The hash may overlap, but not for values 1, 0. * Good approach is to assign 0,1 to rare (or even invalid) key values * and prevent the hash function from generating 1 and 0. */ template KeyWrapper(K) { static if (isDynamicArrayType!(K) || isStaticArrayType!(K)) { alias ArrayWrapper!(K) type; } else static if (isReferenceType!(K)) { alias PointerWrapper!(K) type; } else static if (K.sizeof <= size_t.sizeof) { alias SmallPODWrapper!(K) type; } else static if (K.sizeof > size_t.sizeof) { alias BigPODWrapper!(K) type; } else { //uses TypeInfo alias GenericWrapper!(K) type; } } //key wrapper type alias KeyWrapper!(K).type KW; //need to be 0 for the algorithm to terminate static const size_t unused_hash = 0; static const size_t dummy_hash = 1; //need to be a power of two static const size_t MINSIZE = 8; static const size_t PERTURB_SHIFT = 5; struct Entry { KW key; V value; } //active + dummy entries size_t fill = 0; //active entries size_t used = 0; /* * The table contains mask + 1 slots, and that's a power of 2. * We store the mask instead of the size because the mask * is more frequently needed. */ size_t mask = MINSIZE - 1; //table of size 2**n Entry* table = void; /* * Since this.table can't hold entries for both special keys, * they have to be stored and handled separately. */ bool is_unused = false; KW unused_key = KW.init; V unused_value = V.init; bool is_dummy = false; KW dummy_key = KW.init; V dummy_value = V.init; public this() { static assert(unused_hash != dummy_hash); this.table = cast(Entry*) GC.calloc(Entry.sizeof * MINSIZE); } ~this() { delete this.table; } /* * Any key that is not special key is active. */ private static bool isActiveKey(KW key) { return (key.hash > 1); } private static bool isDummyKey(KW key) { return (key.hash == dummy_hash); } private static bool isUnusedKey(KW key) { return (key.hash == unused_hash); } private static bool isSpecialKey(KW key) { return (key.hash < 2); } /* * Lookup an entry in the table. * This is the workhorse. */ private Entry* lookdict(KW key) { assert(!isSpecialKey(key)); size_t hash = key.hash; size_t perturb = void; Entry *freeslot = void; size_t mask = this.mask; Entry *ep0 = this.table; size_t i = hash & mask; Entry *ep = &ep0[i]; /* * This first lookup will succeed in the very most cases (=> no collision). */ if (isUnusedKey(ep.key) || KW.cmp1(ep.key, key)) { return ep; } if (isDummyKey(ep.key)) { freeslot = ep; } else { if (KW.cmp2(ep.key, key)) { return ep; } freeslot = null; } /* * In the loop, key == dummy is by far (factor of 100s) the * least likely outcome, so test for that last. */ for (perturb = hash; ; perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT) { i = (i << 2) + i + perturb + 1; ep = &ep0[i & mask]; if (isUnusedKey(ep.key)) { return (freeslot is null) ? ep : freeslot; } if (KW.cmp3(ep.key, key)) { return ep; } if (freeslot is null && isDummyKey(ep.key)) { freeslot = ep; } } assert(0); //never reached } public V* opIn_r(K k) { //wrap auto key = KW(k); key.ctor(); if (isSpecialKey(key)) { if (isUnusedKey(key)) { return is_unused ? &unused_value : null; } else //must be dummy { assert(isDummyKey(key)); return is_dummy ? &dummy_value : null; } assert(0); } Entry* ep = lookdict(key); assert(ep); if (isActiveKey(ep.key)) { return &ep.value; } else { return null; } } public void opIndexAssign(V value, K k) { assert(this.fill <= this.mask); //algorithm need at least one empty slot //wrap auto key = KW(k); key.ctor(); if (isSpecialKey(key)) { if (isUnusedKey(key)) { is_unused = true; unused_key = key; unused_value = value; return; } else //must be dummy { assert(isDummyKey(key)); is_dummy = true; dummy_key = key; dummy_value = value; return; } } Entry* ep = lookdict(key); assert(ep); if (isActiveKey(ep.key)) { ep.value = value; } else { if (isUnusedKey(ep.key)) { this.fill++; } else { assert(isDummyKey(ep.key)); } ep.key = key; ep.value = value; this.used++; checkLoad(); } } /* * Check load factor and allocate two times of the current table size * if we have > 50_000 items; otherwise four times as much. */ private void checkLoad() { //Make table bigger if load factor > 3/4. //This can also result in smaller table if there are many dummy entries) if (this.fill * 4 >= (this.mask + 1) * 3) //load factor is 3/4 { dictresize((this.used > 50000 ? 2 : 4) * this.used); } /* //make table smaller, table size > MINSIZE and load factor is < 1/8 else if (this.mask + 1 > MINSIZE && this.fill * 4 < (this.mask + 1) * 1) { dictresize(this.used / (this.used > 50000 ? 4 : 2)); }*/ } public void remove(K k) { //wrap auto key = KW(k); key.ctor(); if (isSpecialKey(key)) { if (isUnusedKey(key)) { is_unused = false; unused_value = V.init; unused_key = KW.init; return; } else //must be dummy { assert(isDummyKey(key)); is_dummy = false; dummy_value = V.init; dummy_key = KW.init; return; } } Entry* ep = lookdict(key); assert(ep); ep.key.markDummy(); ep.value = V.init; //not needed for POD? this.used--; } private void dictresize(size_t minused) { Entry* newtable = void; Entry[MINSIZE] small_copy; // Find the smallest table size > minused and size == 2**n. size_t newsize = MINSIZE; while(newsize <= minused) { newsize <<= 1; } // Get space for a new table. Entry* oldtable = this.table; assert(oldtable !is null); newtable = cast(Entry*) GC.malloc(Entry.sizeof * newsize); assert(newtable); assert(newtable != oldtable); this.table = newtable; this.mask = newsize - 1; memset(newtable, 0, Entry.sizeof * newsize); this.used = 0; size_t i = this.fill; this.fill = 0; //copy the data over; filter out dummies for (Entry* ep = oldtable; i > 0; ep++) { if (isActiveKey(ep.key)) { --i; insertdict_clean(ep.key, ep.value); } else if (isDummyKey(ep.key)) { --i; } } delete oldtable; } /* * Insert an item which is known to be absent from the dict. * This routine also assumes that the dict contains no deleted entries. */ private void insertdict_clean(KW key, V value) { assert(!isSpecialKey(key)); size_t hash = key.hash; size_t perturb = void; size_t mask = this.mask; Entry *ep0 = this.table; size_t i = hash & mask; Entry* ep = &ep0[i]; for (perturb = hash; !isUnusedKey(ep.key); perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT) { i = (i << 2) + i + perturb + 1; ep = &ep0[i & mask]; } this.fill++; ep.key = key; ep.value = value; this.used++; } /* * We use this template to cast a static array to a dynamic one in opApply, * since the dmd specs don't allow them as ref parameters :F */ template Helper(T) { static if(isStaticArrayType!(T)) { alias typeof(T.init[0])[] type; //the equivalent dynamic array } else { alias T type; } } alias Helper!(K).type K_; alias Helper!(V).type V_; public int opApply(int delegate(ref V_ value) dg) { return opApply((ref K_ k, ref V_ v) { return dg(v); }); } public int opApply(int delegate(ref K_ key, ref V_ value) dg) { Entry* ep = this.table; int result = 0; if (is_unused) { auto key = cast(K_); auto value = cast(V_) unused_value; result = dg(key, value); if(result != 0) { return result; } } if (is_dummy) { auto key = cast(K_); auto value = cast(V_) dummy_value; result = dg(key, value); if(result != 0) { return result; } } for (size_t i = 0; i <= this.mask; ++i) { if (isSpecialKey(ep[i].key)) { continue; } auto key = cast(K_) ep[i]; auto value = cast(V_) ep[i].value; result = dg(key, value); if (result != 0) { break; } } return result; } /* * Get number of active entries stored. */ public size_t size() { return used + is_dummy + is_unused; } public K[] keys() { K[] keys = new K[](this.size()); Entry* ep = this.table; size_t length = this.mask; size_t n = 0; if (is_unused) keys[n++] =; if (is_dummy) keys[n++] =; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (isSpecialKey(ep[i].key)) { continue; } keys[n] = ep[i]; ++n; } return keys; } public V[] values() { V[] values = new V[](this.size()); Entry* ep = this.table; size_t length = this.mask; size_t n = 0; if (is_unused) values[n] = unused_value; if (is_dummy) values[n++] = dummy_value; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (isSpecialKey(ep[i].key)) { continue; } values[n] = ep[i].value; ++n; } return values; } }