// Written in the D programming language. /** * This module implements a * $(LINK2 http://erdani.org/publications/cuj-04-2002.html,discriminated union) * type (a.k.a. * $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagged_union,tagged union), * $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_data_type,algebraic type)). * Such types are useful * for type-uniform binary interfaces, interfacing with scripting * languages, and comfortable exploratory programming. * * Macros: * WIKI = Phobos/StdVariant * * Synopsis: * * ---- * Variant a; // Must assign before use, otherwise exception ensues * // Initialize with an integer; make the type int * Variant b = 42; * assert(b.type == typeid(int)); * // Peek at the value * assert(b.peek!(int) !is null && *b.peek!(int) == 42); * // Automatically convert per language rules * auto x = b.get!(real); * // Assign any other type, including other variants * a = b; * a = 3.14; * assert(a.type == typeid(double)); * // Implicit conversions work just as with built-in types * assert(a > b); * // Check for convertibility * assert(!a.convertsTo!(int)); // double not convertible to int * // Strings and all other arrays are supported * a = "now I'm a string"; * assert(a == "now I'm a string"); * a = new int[42]; // can also assign arrays * assert(a.length == 42); * a[5] = 7; * assert(a[5] == 7); * // Can also assign class values * class Foo {} * auto foo = new Foo; * a = foo; * assert(*a.peek!(Foo) == foo); // and full type information is preserved * ---- * * Author: * * $(WEB erdani.org, Andrei Alexandrescu) * * Credits: * * Reviewed by Brad Roberts. Daniel Keep provided a detailed code * review prompting the following improvements: (1) better support for * arrays; (2) support for associative arrays; (3) friendlier behavior * towards the garbage collector. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by Digital Mars, www.digitalmars.com * Written by Andrei Alexandrescu, www.erdani.org * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * o The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * o Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not * be misrepresented as being the original software. * o This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. */ module std.variant; import std.traits, std.conv, std.c.string, std.typetuple; import std.stdio; // for testing only import std.contracts; // for testing only private template maxSize(T...) { static if (T.length == 1) { enum size_t maxSize = T[0].sizeof; } else { enum size_t maxSize = T[0].sizeof >= maxSize!(T[1 .. $]) ? T[0].sizeof : maxSize!(T[1 .. $]); } } struct This; template AA(T) { enum bool valid = false; alias void Key; alias void Value; } template AA(T : V[K], K, V) { enum bool valid = true; alias K Key; alias V Value; } template This2Variant(V, T...) { static if (T.length == 0) alias TypeTuple!() This2Variant; else static if (is(AA!(T[0]).Key == This)) { static if (is(AA!(T[0]).Value == This)) alias TypeTuple!(V[V], This2Variant!(V, T[1 .. $])) This2Variant; else alias TypeTuple!(AA!(T[0]).Value[V], This2Variant!(V, T[1 .. $])) This2Variant; } else static if (is(AA!(T[0]).Value == This)) alias TypeTuple!(V[AA!(T[0]).Key], This2Variant!(V, T[1 .. $])) This2Variant; else static if (is(T[0] == This[])) alias TypeTuple!(V[], This2Variant!(V, T[1 .. $])) This2Variant; else static if (is(T[0] == This*)) alias TypeTuple!(V*, This2Variant!(V, T[1 .. $])) This2Variant; else alias TypeTuple!(T[0], This2Variant!(V, T[1 .. $])) This2Variant; } /** * $(D_PARAM VariantN) is a back-end type seldom used directly by user * code. Two commonly-used types using $(D_PARAM VariantN) as * back-end are: * * $(OL $(LI $(B Algebraic): A closed discriminated union with a * limited type universe (e.g., $(D_PARAM Algebraic!(int, double, * string)) only accepts these three types and rejects anything * else).) $(LI $(B Variant): An open discriminated union allowing an * unbounded set of types. The restriction is that the size of the * stored type cannot be larger than the largest built-in type. This * means that $(D_PARAM Variant) can accommodate all primitive types * and all user-defined types except for large $(D_PARAM struct)s.) ) * * Both $(D_PARAM Algebraic) and $(D_PARAM Variant) share $(D_PARAM * VariantN)'s interface. (See their respective documentations below.) * * $(D_PARAM VariantN) is a discriminated union type parameterized * with the largest size of the types stored ($(D_PARAM maxDataSize)) * and with the list of allowed types ($(D_PARAM AllowedTypes)). If * the list is empty, then any type up of size up to $(D_PARAM * maxDataSize) (rounded up for alignment) can be stored in a * $(D_PARAM VariantN) object. * */ struct VariantN(size_t maxDataSize, AllowedTypesX...) { private: alias This2Variant!(VariantN, AllowedTypesX) AllowedTypes; // Compute the largest practical size from maxDataSize struct SizeChecker { int function() fptr; ubyte[maxDataSize] data; } enum size = SizeChecker.sizeof - (int function()).sizeof; /** Tells whether a type $(D_PARAM T) is statically allowed for * storage inside a $(D_PARAM VariantN) object by looking * $(D_PARAM T) up in $(D_PARAM AllowedTypes). If $(D_PARAM * AllowedTypes) is empty, all types of size up to $(D_PARAM * maxSize) are allowed. */ public template allowed(T) { enum bool allowed = is(T == VariantN) || T.sizeof <= size && (!AllowedTypes.length || indexOf!(T, AllowedTypes) >= 0); } // Each internal operation is encoded with an identifier. See // the "handler" function below. enum OpID { getTypeInfo, get, compare, testConversion, toString, index, indexAssign, catAssign, copyOut, length } // state int function(OpID selector, ubyte[size]* store, void* data) fptr = &handler!(void); union { ubyte[size] store = void; // conservatively mark the region as pointers static if (size >= (void*).sizeof) void* p[size / (void*).sizeof]; } // internals // Handler for an initialized value static int handler(A : void)(OpID selector, ubyte[size]*, void* parm) { switch (selector) { case OpID.getTypeInfo: *cast(TypeInfo *) parm = typeid(A); break; case OpID.copyOut: auto target = cast(VariantN *) parm; target.fptr = &handler!(A); // no need to copy the data (it's garbage) break; case OpID.compare: auto rhs = cast(VariantN *) parm; return rhs.peek!(A) ? 0 // all uninitialized are equal : int.min; // uninitialized variant is not comparable otherwise case OpID.toString: string * target = cast(string*) parm; *target = ""; break; case OpID.get: case OpID.testConversion: case OpID.index: case OpID.indexAssign: case OpID.catAssign: case OpID.length: throw new VariantException( "Attempt to use an uninitialized VariantN"); default: assert(false); } return 0; } // Handler for all of a type's operations static int handler(A)(OpID selector, ubyte[size]* pStore, void* parm) { // Input: TypeInfo object // Output: target points to a copy of *me, if me was not null // Returns: true iff the A can be converted to the type represented // by the incoming TypeInfo static bool tryPutting(A* src, TypeInfo targetType, void* target) { alias TypeTuple!(A, ImplicitConversionTargets!(A)) AllTypes; foreach (T ; AllTypes) { if (targetType != typeid(T)) continue; // found!!! static if (is(typeof(*cast(T*) target = *src))) { if (src) *cast(T*) target = *src; } else { // type is not assignable if (src) assert(false, A.stringof); } return true; } return false; } switch (selector) { case OpID.getTypeInfo: *cast(TypeInfo *) parm = typeid(A); break; case OpID.copyOut: auto target = cast(VariantN *) parm; tryPutting(cast(A*) pStore, typeid(A), &target.store) || assert(false); target.fptr = &handler!(A); break; case OpID.get: return !tryPutting(cast(A*) pStore, *cast(TypeInfo*) parm, parm); case OpID.testConversion: return !tryPutting(null, *cast(TypeInfo*) parm, null); case OpID.compare: auto me = cast(A*) pStore; auto rhsP = cast(VariantN *) parm; auto rhsType = rhsP.type; // Are we the same? if (rhsType == typeid(A)) { // cool! Same type! auto rhsPA = cast(A*) &rhsP.store; if (*rhsPA == *me) { return 0; } static if (is(typeof(A.init < A.init))) { return *me < *rhsPA ? -1 : 1; } // type doesn't support ordering comparisons return int.min; } VariantN temp; // Do I convert to rhs? if (tryPutting(me, rhsType, &temp.store)) { // cool, I do; temp's store contains my data in rhs's type! // also fix up its fptr temp.fptr = rhsP.fptr; // now lhsWithRhsType is a full-blown VariantN of rhs's type return temp.opCmp(*rhsP); } // Does rhs convert to me? *cast(TypeInfo*) &temp.store = typeid(A); if (rhsP.fptr(OpID.get, &rhsP.store, &temp.store) == 0) { // cool! Now temp has rhs in my type! auto rhsPA = cast(A*) temp.store; if (*rhsPA == *me) { return 0; } static if (is(typeof(A.init < A.init))) { return *me < *rhsPA ? -1 : 1; } // type doesn't support ordering comparisons return int.min; } return int.min; // dunno case OpID.toString: auto target = cast(string*) parm; auto me = cast(A*) pStore; static if (is(typeof(to!(string)(*me)))) { *target = to!(string)(*me); break; } else { throw new VariantException(typeid(A), typeid(string)); } case OpID.index: auto me = cast(A*) pStore; static if (isArray!(A)) { // array type; input and output are the same VariantN auto result = cast(VariantN*) parm; size_t index = result.convertsTo!(int) ? result.get!(int) : result.get!(size_t); *result = (*me)[index]; break; } else static if (isAssociativeArray!(A)) { auto result = cast(VariantN*) parm; *result = (*me)[result.get!(typeof(A.keys[0]))]; break; } else { throw new VariantException(typeid(A), typeid(void[])); } case OpID.indexAssign: auto me = cast(A*) pStore; static if (isArray!(A) && is(typeof((*me)[0] = (*me)[0]))) { // array type; result comes first, index comes second auto args = cast(VariantN*) parm; size_t index = args[1].convertsTo!(int) ? args[1].get!(int) : args[1].get!(size_t); (*me)[index] = args[0].get!(typeof((*me)[0])); break; } else static if (isAssociativeArray!(A)) { auto args = cast(VariantN*) parm; (*me)[args[1].get!(typeof(A.keys[0]))] = args[0].get!(typeof(A.values[0])); break; } else { throw new VariantException(typeid(A), typeid(void[])); } case OpID.catAssign: auto me = cast(A*) pStore; static if (is(typeof((*me)[0])) && !is(typeof(me.keys))) { // array type; parm is the element to append auto arg = cast(VariantN*) parm; alias typeof((*me)[0]) E; if (arg[0].convertsTo!(E)) { // append one element to the array (*me) ~= [ arg[0].get!(E) ]; } else { // append a whole array to the array (*me) ~= arg[0].get!(A); } break; } else { throw new VariantException(typeid(A), typeid(void[])); } case OpID.length: auto me = cast(A*) pStore; static if (is(typeof(me.length))) { return me.length; } else { throw new VariantException(typeid(A), typeid(void[])); } default: assert(false); } return 0; } public: /** Constructs a $(D_PARAM VariantN) value given an argument of a * generic type. Statically rejects disallowed types. */ static VariantN opCall(T)(T value) { static assert(allowed!(T), "Cannot store a " ~ T.stringof ~ " in a " ~ VariantN.stringof); VariantN result = void; result.opAssign(value); return result; } /** Assigns a $(D_PARAM VariantN) from a generic * argument. Statically rejects disallowed types. */ VariantN opAssign(T)(T rhs) { static assert(allowed!(T), "Cannot store a " ~ T.stringof ~ " in a " ~ VariantN.stringof ~ ". Valid types are " ~ AllowedTypes.stringof); static if (isStaticArray!(T)) { // Fix for Brad's bug auto temp = to!(DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(T))(rhs); return opAssign(temp); } else { static if (is(T : const(VariantN))) { rhs.fptr(OpID.copyOut, &rhs.store, &this); } else { static assert(T.sizeof <= size, "Cannot store type " ~ T.stringof ~ " in a " ~ VariantN.stringof ~ "; it's too large. Try storing a pointer, or using" " VariantN with a larger size."); //*cast(U*) &store = rhs; memcpy(&store, &rhs, rhs.sizeof); fptr = &handler!(T); } return this; } } /** Returns true if and only if the $(D_PARAM VariantN) object * holds a valid value (has been initialized with, or assigned * from, a valid value). * Example: * ---- * Variant a; * assert(!a.hasValue); * Variant b; * a = b; * assert(!a.hasValue); // still no value * a = 5; * assert(a.hasValue); * ---- */ bool hasValue() { return fptr != &handler!(void); } /** * If the $(D_PARAM VariantN) object holds a value of the * $(I exact) type $(D_PARAM T), returns a pointer to that * value. Otherwise, returns $(D_PARAM null). In cases * where $(D_PARAM T) is statically disallowed, $(D_PARAM * peek) will not compile. * * Example: * ---- * Variant a = 5; * auto b = a.peek!(int); * assert(b !is null); * *b = 6; * assert(a == 6); * ---- */ T * peek(T)() { static if (!is(T == void)) static assert(allowed!(T), "Cannot store a " ~ T.stringof ~ " in a " ~ VariantN.stringof); return type == typeid(T) ? cast(T*) &store : null; } /** * Returns the $(D_PARAM typeid) of the currently held value. */ TypeInfo type() { TypeInfo result; fptr(OpID.getTypeInfo, null, &result); return result; } /** * Returns $(D_PARAM true) if and only if the $(D_PARAM VariantN) * object holds an object implicitly convertible to type $(D_PARAM * U). Implicit convertibility is defined as per * $(LINK2 std_traits.html#ImplicitConversionTargets,ImplicitConversionTargets). */ bool convertsTo(T)() { TypeInfo info = typeid(T); return fptr(OpID.testConversion, null, &info) == 0; } private T[] testing123(T)(T*); /** * A workaround for the fact that functions cannot return * statically-sized arrays by value. Essentially $(D_PARAM * DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(T[N])) is an alias for $(D_PARAM * T[]) and $(D_PARAM DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(T)) is an alias * for $(D_PARAM T). */ template DecayStaticToDynamicArray(T) { static if (isStaticArray!(T)) { alias typeof(testing123(&T[0])) DecayStaticToDynamicArray; } else { alias T DecayStaticToDynamicArray; } } static assert(is(DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(invariant(char)[21]) == invariant(char)[]), DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(invariant(char)[21]).stringof); /** * Returns the value stored in the $(D_PARAM VariantN) object, * implicitly converted to the requested type $(D_PARAM T), in * fact $(D_PARAM DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(T)). If an implicit * conversion is not possible, throws a $(D_PARAM * VariantException). */ DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(T) get(T)() { union Buf { TypeInfo info; DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(T) result; }; Buf buf = { typeid(DecayStaticToDynamicArray!(T)) }; if (fptr(OpID.get, &store, &buf)) { throw new VariantException(type, typeid(T)); } return buf.result; } /** * Returns the value stored in the $(D_PARAM VariantN) object, * explicitly converted (coerced) to the requested type $(D_PARAM * T). If $(D_PARAM T) is a string type, the value is formatted as * a string. If the $(D_PARAM VariantN) object is a string, a * parse of the string to type $(D_PARAM T) is attempted. If a * conversion is not possible, throws a $(D_PARAM * VariantException). */ T coerce(T)() { static if (isNumeric!(T)) { // maybe optimize this fella; handle ints separately return to!(T)(get!(real)); } else static if (is(T : Object)) { return to!(T)(get!(Object)); } else static if (isSomeString!(T)) { return to!(T)(toString); } else { // Fix for bug 1649 static assert(false, "unsupported type for coercion"); } } /** * Formats the stored value as a string. */ string toString() { string result; fptr(OpID.toString, &store, &result) == 0 || assert(false); return result; } /** * Comparison for equality used by the "==" and "!=" operators. */ // returns 1 if the two are equal bool opEquals(T)(T rhs) { static if (is(T == VariantN)) alias rhs temp; else auto temp = Variant(rhs); return fptr(OpID.compare, &store, &temp) == 0; } /** * Ordering comparison used by the "<", "<=", ">", and ">=" * operators. In case comparison is not sensible between the held * value and $(D_PARAM rhs), an exception is thrown. */ int opCmp(T)(T rhs) { static if (is(T == VariantN)) alias rhs temp; else auto temp = Variant(rhs); auto result = fptr(OpID.compare, &store, &temp); if (result == int.min) { throw new VariantException(type, rhs.type); } return result; } /** * Computes the hash of the held value. */ uint toHash() { return type.getHash(&store); } private VariantN opArithmetic(T, string op)(T other) { VariantN result; static if (is(T == VariantN)) { if (convertsTo!(uint) && other.convertsTo!(uint)) result = mixin("get!(uint) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(uint)"); else if (convertsTo!(int) && other.convertsTo!(int)) result = mixin("get!(int) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(int)"); else if (convertsTo!(ulong) && other.convertsTo!(ulong)) result = mixin("get!(ulong) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(ulong)"); else if (convertsTo!(long) && other.convertsTo!(long)) result = mixin("get!(long) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(long)"); else if (convertsTo!(double) && other.convertsTo!(double)) result = mixin("get!(double) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(double)"); else result = mixin("get!(real) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(real)"); } else { if (is(typeof(T.max) : uint) && T.min == 0 && convertsTo!(uint)) result = mixin("get!(uint) " ~ op ~ " other"); else if (is(typeof(T.max) : int) && T.min < 0 && convertsTo!(int)) result = mixin("get!(int) " ~ op ~ " other"); else if (is(typeof(T.max) : ulong) && T.min == 0 && convertsTo!(ulong)) result = mixin("get!(ulong) " ~ op ~ " other"); else if (is(typeof(T.max) : long) && T.min < 0 && convertsTo!(long)) result = mixin("get!(long) " ~ op ~ " other"); else if (is(T : double) && convertsTo!(double)) result = mixin("get!(double) " ~ op ~ " other"); else result = mixin("get!(real) " ~ op ~ " other"); } return result; } private VariantN opLogic(T, string op)(T other) { VariantN result; static if (is(T == VariantN)) { if (convertsTo!(uint) && other.convertsTo!(uint)) result = mixin("get!(uint) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(uint)"); else if (convertsTo!(int) && other.convertsTo!(int)) result = mixin("get!(int) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(int)"); else if (convertsTo!(ulong) && other.convertsTo!(ulong)) result = mixin("get!(ulong) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(ulong)"); else result = mixin("get!(long) " ~ op ~ " other.get!(long)"); } else { if (is(typeof(T.max) : uint) && T.min == 0 && convertsTo!(uint)) result = mixin("get!(uint) " ~ op ~ " other"); else if (is(typeof(T.max) : int) && T.min < 0 && convertsTo!(int)) result = mixin("get!(int) " ~ op ~ " other"); else if (is(typeof(T.max) : ulong) && T.min == 0 && convertsTo!(ulong)) result = mixin("get!(ulong) " ~ op ~ " other"); else result = mixin("get!(long) " ~ op ~ " other"); } return result; } /** * Arithmetic between $(D_PARAM VariantN) objects and numeric * values. All arithmetic operations return a $(D_PARAM VariantN) * object typed depending on the types of both values * involved. The conversion rules mimic D's built-in rules for * arithmetic conversions. */ // Adapted from http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?DanielKeep/Variant // arithmetic VariantN opAdd(T)(T rhs) { return opArithmetic!(T, "+")(rhs); } ///ditto VariantN opSub(T)(T rhs) { return opArithmetic!(T, "-")(rhs); } // Commenteed all _r versions for now because of ambiguities // arising when two Variants are used /////ditto // VariantN opSub_r(T)(T lhs) // { // return VariantN(lhs).opArithmetic!(VariantN, "-")(this); // } ///ditto VariantN opMul(T)(T rhs) { return opArithmetic!(T, "*")(rhs); } ///ditto VariantN opDiv(T)(T rhs) { return opArithmetic!(T, "/")(rhs); } // ///ditto // VariantN opDiv_r(T)(T lhs) // { // return VariantN(lhs).opArithmetic!(VariantN, "/")(this); // } ///ditto VariantN opMod(T)(T rhs) { return opArithmetic!(T, "%")(rhs); } // ///ditto // VariantN opMod_r(T)(T lhs) // { // return VariantN(lhs).opArithmetic!(VariantN, "%")(this); // } ///ditto VariantN opAnd(T)(T rhs) { return opLogic!(T, "&")(rhs); } ///ditto VariantN opOr(T)(T rhs) { return opLogic!(T, "|")(rhs); } ///ditto VariantN opXor(T)(T rhs) { return opLogic!(T, "^")(rhs); } ///ditto VariantN opShl(T)(T rhs) { return opLogic!(T, "<<")(rhs); } // ///ditto // VariantN opShl_r(T)(T lhs) // { // return VariantN(lhs).opLogic!(VariantN, "<<")(this); // } ///ditto VariantN opShr(T)(T rhs) { return opLogic!(T, ">>")(rhs); } // ///ditto // VariantN opShr_r(T)(T lhs) // { // return VariantN(lhs).opLogic!(VariantN, ">>")(this); // } ///ditto VariantN opUShr(T)(T rhs) { return opLogic!(T, ">>>")(rhs); } // ///ditto // VariantN opUShr_r(T)(T lhs) // { // return VariantN(lhs).opLogic!(VariantN, ">>>")(this); // } ///ditto VariantN opCat(T)(T rhs) { auto temp = this; temp ~= rhs; return temp; } // ///ditto // VariantN opCat_r(T)(T rhs) // { // VariantN temp = rhs; // temp ~= this; // return temp; // } ///ditto VariantN opAddAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this + rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opSubAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this - rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opMulAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this * rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opDivAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this / rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opModAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this % rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opAndAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this & rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opOrAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this | rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opXorAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this ^ rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opShlAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this << rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opShrAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this >> rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opUShrAssign(T)(T rhs) { return this = this >>> rhs; } ///ditto VariantN opCatAssign(T)(T rhs) { auto toAppend = VariantN(rhs); fptr(OpID.catAssign, &store, &toAppend) == 0 || assert(false); return this; } /** * Array and associative array operations. If a $(D_PARAM * VariantN) contains an (associative) array, it can be indexed * into. Otherwise, an exception is thrown. * * Example: * ---- * auto a = Variant(new int[10]); * a[5] = 42; * assert(a[5] == 42); * int[int] hash = [ 42:24 ]; * a = hash; * assert(a[42] == 24); * ---- * * Caveat: * * Due to limitations in current language, read-modify-write * operations $(D_PARAM op=) will not work properly: * * ---- * Variant a = new int[10]; * a[5] = 42; * a[5] += 8; * assert(a[5] == 50); // fails, a[5] is still 42 * ---- */ VariantN opIndex(K)(K i) { auto result = VariantN(i); fptr(OpID.index, &store, &result) == 0 || assert(false); return result; } unittest { int[int] hash = [ 42:24 ]; Variant v = hash; assert(v[42] == 24); v[42] = 5; assert(v[42] == 5); } /// ditto VariantN opIndexAssign(T, N)(T value, N i) { VariantN args[2] = [ VariantN(value), VariantN(i) ]; fptr(OpID.indexAssign, &store, &args) == 0 || assert(false); return args[0]; } /** If the $(D_PARAM VariantN) contains an (associative) array, * returns the length of that array. Otherwise, throws an * exception. */ size_t length() { return cast(size_t) fptr(OpID.length, &store, null); } } /** * Algebraic data type restricted to a closed set of possible * types. It's an alias for a $(D_PARAM VariantN) with an * appropriately-constructed maximum size. $(D_PARAM Algebraic) is * useful when it is desirable to restrict what a discriminated type * could hold to the end of defining simpler and more efficient * manipulation. * * Future additions to $(D_PARAM Algebraic) will allow compile-time * checking that all possible types are handled by user code, * eliminating a large class of errors. * * Bugs: * * Currently, $(D_PARAM Algebraic) does not allow recursive data * types. They will be allowed in a future iteration of the * implementation. * * Example: * ---- * auto v = Algebraic!(int, double, string)(5); * assert(v.peek!(int)); * v = 3.14; * assert(v.peek!(double)); * // auto x = v.peek!(long); // won't compile, type long not allowed * // v = '1'; // won't compile, type char not allowed * ---- */ template Algebraic(T...) { alias VariantN!(maxSize!(T), T) Algebraic; } /** * $(D_PARAM Variant) is an alias for $(D_PARAM VariantN) instantiated * with the largest of $(D_PARAM creal), $(D_PARAM char[]), and * $(D_PARAM void delegate()). This ensures that $(D_PARAM Variant) is * large enough to hold all of D's predefined types, including all * numeric types, pointers, delegates, and class references. You may * want to use $(D_PARAM VariantN) directly with a different maximum * size either for storing larger types, or for saving memory. */ alias VariantN!(maxSize!(creal, char[], void delegate())) Variant; /** * Returns an array of variants constructed from $(D_PARAM args). * Example: * ---- * auto a = variantArray(1, 3.14, "Hi!"); * assert(a[1] == 3.14); * auto b = Variant(a); // variant array as variant * assert(b[1] == 3.14); * ---- * * Code that needs functionality similar to the $(D_PARAM boxArray) * function in the $(D_PARAM std.boxer) module can achieve it like this: * * ---- * // old * Box[] fun(...) * { * ... * return boxArray(_arguments, _argptr); * } * // new * Variant[] fun(T...)(T args) * { * ... * return variantArray(args); * } * ---- * * This is by design. During construction the $(D_PARAM Variant) needs * static type information about the type being held, so as to store a * pointer to function for fast retrieval. */ Variant[] variantArray(T...)(T args) { Variant[] result; foreach (arg; args) { result ~= Variant(arg); } return result; } /** * Thrown in three cases: * * $(OL $(LI An uninitialized Variant is used in any way except * assignment and $(D_PARAM hasValue);) $(LI A $(D_PARAM get) or * $(D_PARAM coerce) is attempted with an incompatible target type;) * $(LI A comparison between $(D_PARAM Variant) objects of * incompatible types is attempted.)) * */ // @@@ BUG IN COMPILER. THE 'STATIC' BELOW SHOULD NOT COMPILE static class VariantException : Exception { /// The source type in the conversion or comparison TypeInfo source; /// The target type in the conversion or comparison TypeInfo target; this(string s) { super(s); } this(TypeInfo source, TypeInfo target) { super("Variant: attempting to use incompatible types " ~ source.toString ~ " and " ~ target.toString); this.source = source; this.target = target; } } unittest { alias This2Variant!(char, int, This[int]) W1; alias TypeTuple!(int, char[int]) W2; static assert(is(W1 == W2)); } unittest { alias Algebraic!(real, This[], This[int], This[This]) A; A v1, v2, v3; v2 = 5.0L; v3 = 42.0L; v1 = [ v2 ][]; auto v = v1.peek!(A[]); writeln(v[0]); v1 = [ 9 : v3 ]; writeln(v1); v1 = [ v3 : v3 ]; writeln(v1); } unittest { // try it with an oddly small size VariantN!(1) test; assert(test.size > 1); // variantArray tests auto heterogeneous = variantArray(1, 4.5, "hi"); assert(heterogeneous.length == 3); auto variantArrayAsVariant = Variant(heterogeneous); assert(variantArrayAsVariant[0] == 1); assert(variantArrayAsVariant.length == 3); // array tests auto arr = Variant([1.2].dup); auto e = arr[0]; assert(e == 1.2); arr[0] = 2.0; assert(arr[0] == 2); arr ~= 4.5; assert(arr[1] == 4.5); // general tests Variant a; auto b = Variant(5); assert(!b.peek!(real) && b.peek!(int)); // assign a = *b.peek!(int); // comparison assert(a == b, a.type.toString ~ " " ~ b.type.toString); auto c = Variant("this is a string"); assert(a != c); // comparison via implicit conversions a = 42; b = 42.0; assert(a == b); // try failing conversions bool failed = false; try { auto d = c.get!(int); } catch (Exception e) { //writeln(stderr, e.toString); failed = true; } assert(failed); // :o) // toString tests a = Variant(42); assert(a.toString == "42"); a = Variant(42.22); assert(a.toString == "42.22"); // coerce tests a = Variant(42.22); assert(a.coerce!(int) == 42); a = cast(short) 5; assert(a.coerce!(double) == 5); // Object tests class B1 {} class B2 : B1 {} a = new B2; assert(a.coerce!(B1) !is null); a = new B1; // BUG: I can't get the following line to pass: // assert(collectException(a.coerce!(B2) is null)); a = cast(Object) new B2; // lose static type info; should still work assert(a.coerce!(B2) !is null); // struct Big { int a[45]; } // a = Big.init; // hash assert(a.toHash != 0); } // tests adapted from // http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/browser/trunk/tango/core/Variant.d?rev=2601 unittest { Variant v; assert(!v.hasValue); v = 42; assert( v.peek!(int) ); assert( v.convertsTo!(long) ); assert( v.get!(int) == 42 ); assert( v.get!(long) == 42L ); assert( v.get!(ulong) == 42uL ); // should be string... @@@BUG IN COMPILER v = "Hello, World!"c; assert( v.peek!(string) ); assert( v.get!(string) == "Hello, World!" ); assert(!is(char[] : wchar[])); assert( !v.convertsTo!(wchar[]) ); assert( v.get!(string) == "Hello, World!" ); v = [1,2,3,4,5]; assert( v.peek!(int[]) ); assert( v.get!(int[]) == [1,2,3,4,5] ); v = 3.1413; assert( v.peek!(double) ); assert( v.convertsTo!(real) ); //@@@ BUG IN COMPILER: DOUBLE SHOULD NOT IMPLICITLY CONVERT TO FLOAT assert( !v.convertsTo!(float) ); assert( *v.peek!(double) == 3.1413 ); auto u = Variant(v); assert( u.peek!(double) ); assert( *u.peek!(double) == 3.1413 ); // operators v = 38; assert( v + 4 == 42 ); assert( 4 + v == 42 ); assert( v - 4 == 34 ); assert( Variant(4) - v == -34 ); assert( v * 2 == 76 ); assert( 2 * v == 76 ); assert( v / 2 == 19 ); assert( Variant(2) / v == 0 ); assert( v % 2 == 0 ); assert( Variant(2) % v == 2 ); assert( (v & 6) == 6 ); assert( (6 & v) == 6 ); assert( (v | 9) == 47 ); assert( (9 | v) == 47 ); assert( (v ^ 5) == 35 ); assert( (5 ^ v) == 35 ); assert( v << 1 == 76 ); assert( Variant(1) << Variant(2) == 4 ); assert( v >> 1 == 19 ); assert( Variant(4) >> Variant(2) == 1 ); assert( Variant("abc") ~ "def" == "abcdef" ); assert( Variant("abc") ~ Variant("def") == "abcdef" ); v = 38; v += 4; assert( v == 42 ); v = 38; v -= 4; assert( v == 34 ); v = 38; v *= 2; assert( v == 76 ); v = 38; v /= 2; assert( v == 19 ); v = 38; v %= 2; assert( v == 0 ); v = 38; v &= 6; assert( v == 6 ); v = 38; v |= 9; assert( v == 47 ); v = 38; v ^= 5; assert( v == 35 ); v = 38; v <<= 1; assert( v == 76 ); v = 38; v >>= 1; assert( v == 19 ); v = "abc"; v ~= "def"; assert( v == "abcdef", *v.peek!(char[]) ); assert( Variant(0) < Variant(42) ); assert( Variant(42) > Variant(0) ); assert( Variant(42) > Variant(0.1) ); assert( Variant(42.1) > Variant(1) ); assert( Variant(21) == Variant(21) ); assert( Variant(0) != Variant(42) ); assert( Variant("bar") == Variant("bar") ); assert( Variant("foo") != Variant("bar") ); { auto v1 = Variant(42); auto v2 = Variant("foo"); auto v3 = Variant(1+2.0i); int[Variant] hash; hash[v1] = 0; hash[v2] = 1; hash[v3] = 2; assert( hash[v1] == 0 ); assert( hash[v2] == 1 ); assert( hash[v3] == 2 ); } { int[char[]] hash; hash["a"] = 1; hash["b"] = 2; hash["c"] = 3; Variant vhash = hash; assert( vhash.get!(int[char[]])["a"] == 1 ); assert( vhash.get!(int[char[]])["b"] == 2 ); assert( vhash.get!(int[char[]])["c"] == 3 ); } } unittest { // bug 1558 Variant va=1; Variant vb=-2; assert((va+vb).get!(int) == -1); assert((va-vb).get!(int) == 3); } unittest { Variant a; a=5; Variant b; b=a; Variant[] c; c = variantArray(1, 2, 3.0, "hello", 4); assert(c[3] == "hello"); } unittest { Variant v = 5; assert (!__traits(compiles, v.coerce!(bool delegate()))); }