module combiner; import std.range; import std.typecons; import std.traits; import std.algorithm; /** Iterate the combinatorial result of several ranges. The element type is a elementTuple tuple that allows accessing the current element in the $(D n)th range by using $(D!(n)). Example: ---- int[] a = [ 1, 2 ]; string[] b = [ "a", "b" ]; // prints 1:a 1:b 2:a 2:c foreach (e; combine(a, b)) { write(!(0), ':',!(1), ' '); } ---- $(D Combine) offers the lowest range facilities of all components, e.g. it offers random access iff all ranges offer random access, and also offers mutation and swapping if all ranges offer it. */ struct Combine(R...) { private: Tuple!R savedRanges; alias Tuple!(staticMap!(ElementType, R)) elementTuple; public: Tuple!R ranges; /** Builds an object. Usually this is invoked indirectly by using the $(XREF combiner,combine) function. */ this(R args) { foreach (i, Unused; R) { ranges.field[i] = args[i]; savedRanges.field[i] = args[i]; } } /** Returns $(D true) if the range is at end. */ bool empty() { foreach ( i, Unused; R ) { if ( savedRanges.field[i].length == 0 ) { return true; } } return ranges.field[0].empty; } /** Returns a elementTuple for the current iterated element. */ elementTuple front() { elementTuple result; foreach (i, Unused; R) { result.field[i] = ranges.field[i].front; } return result; } /** Advances the front of the range, looping back to the start for any range whose next range is empty. */ void popFront() { void popFrontImpl( int i )( ref typeof(this) that ) // Weird hack, I know. { that.ranges.field[i].popFront; static if ( i >= 1 ) { if ( that.ranges.field[i].empty ) { that.ranges.field[i] = that.savedRanges.field[i]; popFrontImpl!( i-1 )(that); } } } popFrontImpl!(R.length-1)(this); } /** Returns the length of this range. Defined only if all ranges define $(D length). */ static if (allSatisfy!(hasLength, R)) size_t length() { auto result = ranges.field[0].length; foreach( i, unused; R[1..$] ) { result *= savedRanges.field[i+1].length - 1; result += ranges.field[i+1].length; } return result; } } /// Ditto Combine!R combine(R...)(R ranges) { return Combine!(R)(ranges); } unittest { assert(equal(combine([1,2],[3,4]), [tuple(1,3), tuple(1,4), tuple(2,3), tuple(2,4)])); assert(equal(combine([1,2],["a","b"]), [tuple(1,"a"), tuple(1,"b"), tuple(2,"a"), tuple(2,"b")])); assert(!equal(combine([1],["a","b"]), [tuple(1,"a"), tuple(1,"b"), tuple(2,"a"), tuple(2,"b")])); }