How is the website programmed? If done properly the page content is
independent of the style. Use page templates and CSS stylesheets so
that you have a single point of change for the entire website. Stay away from static HTML files. Use PHP, JSP, Freemarker or something similar.<br><br>Using stylesheets can allow your users to view the site however is most pleasing to them. For example. Go to this page:<br>
<a href=""></a><br> and then in FireFox select: View-> Page Style and switch between the two provided styles. Neato!<br>
<br>If you want my opinion on the visual style I'd say it's a huge improvement over the digital mars site. The flare gives it a sophisticated feel. However, please don't let trivial matters like the "look" of the site slow us down from getting accurate and useful information out to the world. If you have a single point of change the look can be tweaked as time goes on.<br>
<br>In terms of layout I agree with filgood that a site like <a href=""></a> is a better model. It has the most important links in BIG colorful text on the home page:<br> 1) What is D?<br>
2) What does it look like?<br> 3) How do I download it?<br><br>With a site like <a href=""></a> you can tell that somebody sat down and though out: What's really important to my users? What are the primary use-cases of my visitors?<br>
<br>My 2cents. I'd be glad to help if you need it.<br>- Adam<br><br><br>