To avoid any confusing on my end, the files I need are<br>kernel33.dll (original kernel32.dll)<br>kernel33.def (So d can acces those functions)<br>kernel32.def (renaming happens over here, contains a list of all import-exported functions)<br>
kernel32.d (the code)<br><br>kernel33.def can be seen as a substitute for the import libary generated by implib?<br>and when you have an import library you also need a .di file to acces the contents?<br><br>the compile commands are<br>
dmd -d kernel32 kernel32.def kernel33.def<br>dmd -d kernel32.obj kernel32.def<br><br>Tomorow I can show the files (can't acces them from this laptop) <br>and I'll post some snipets from the .def files ?<br><br>Can someone correct me? I'm finding d promising as language but some things seem to be overly complicated to me (I'm a java guy, you have .java for source, .class compiled and .jar packaged Seems way simpler xd).<br>
<br><br>really apreciating your info here :D<br><div class="gmail_quote">2011/5/1 maarten van damme <span dir="ltr"><<a href=""></a>></span><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
<p>Yes, and i have a kernel32.def for my .d file and a kernel33.def for the original kernel dll. Your not confused, I am. I thought i needed kerel33.def so i could acces the dll from d, isnt this the case?</p>
<div class="gmail_quote">Op 1-mei-2011 22:10 schreef "Rainer Schuetze" <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>> het volgende:<div><div></div><div class="h5"><br type="attribution">
> I must have completely misunderstood what you want to do. What do you <br>
> want to build from kernel33.def? Isn't kernel33.dll the original DLL <br>> that you want to intercept by replacing it with the compiled DLL?<br>> <br>> maarten van damme wrote:<br>>> Great, now the error in kernel32.def is resolved but it gets the same <br>
>> problem in kernel33.def.<br>>> here is the start of the exports from kernel33.def:<br>>> EXPORTS<br>>> _hread @1334<br>>> how can I change this to resolve that?<br>>> <br>>> 2011/5/1 Rainer Schuetze <<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>><br>
>> <br>>> It seems you have hit another of those dreaded optlink bugs.<br>>> <br>>> With less symbols, it works if you declare the imports like this<br>>> (because of the described name mangling):<br>
>> <br>>> IMPORTS<br>>> _imported_hread@0 = kernel33._hread<br>>> <br>>> 2 more notes:<br>>> - you don't need to import kernel33.di<br>>> - you should not use "SINGLE" in the DATA statement of the def file,<br>
>> it will share the memory across processes.<br>>> <br>>> <br>>> <br>>> maarten van damme wrote:<br>>> <br>>> Number overflow?<br>>> So I implemented the suggested changes (you can check them out<br>
>> at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)<br>>> <br>>> But now I get when I compile it : "kernel32.def(738) : Error 12:<br>
>> Number Overflow: (strange symbol over here)"<br>>> <br>>> I do agree I should've picked a simpler example but I think the<br>>> statisfaction will be even bigger if I were to succeed :p<br>
>> <br>>> 2011/5/1 maarten van damme <<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>>><br>>> <br>>> <br>>> Wow, thanks for the help<br>>> The first thing I did was in the .di file adding<br>
>> extern(windows){ .... }<br>>> and now compiling doesn't give errors and when examining with<br>>> dllexp<br>>> I can see that it exports the same functions as the real<br>
>> kernel32.dll :D<br>>> <br>>> Now I'm going to implement all other suggested changes,<br>>> thanks a lot<br>>> <br>>> <br>>> 2011/4/30 Rainer Schuetze <<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>>><br>
>> <br>>> <br>>> I'm not sure your wrapping will work with kernel32.dll,<br>>> but in<br>>> general here are a few tips:<br>>> <br>>> - most functions in the windows API use the __stdcall calling<br>
>> convention in C/C++, which translates to D as<br>>> "extern(Windows)"<br>>> <br>>> - this will usually add the number of bytes passed on the<br>>> stack<br>
>> as a "@NN" postfix to the function name. This postfix<br>>> does not<br>>> exist in kernel32.dll, but in the import library kernel32.lib<br>>> that you find in the dmd lib folder. Maybe you can use the<br>
>> standard import library, or use the translation shown below..<br>>> <br>>> - as the exported function and the function you want to<br>>> chain to<br>>> have identical names, you have to change at least one of<br>
>> these<br>>> and modify them in some build step. I'd suggest to do this in<br>>> the def file:<br>>> <br>>> The symbols in the d-source file containing:<br>
>> <br>>> ----<br>>> extern(Windows) HANDLE imported_GetCurrentProcess();<br>>> <br>>> export extern(Windows) HANDLE internal_GetCurrentProcess()<br>
>> {<br>>> return imported_GetCurrentProcess();<br>>> }<br>>> ----<br>>> <br>>> can be mapped to other symbols in the def file:<br>
>> <br>>> ----<br>>> EXPORTS<br>>> GetCurrentProcess = internal_GetCurrentProcess<br>>> <br>>> IMPORTS<br>>> imported_GetCurrentProcess = kernel33.GetCurrentProcess<br>
>> ----<br>>> <br>>> - if you don't know the number of arguments, you should<br>>> not call<br>>> the wrapped function, as this will change the callstack.<br>
>> Instead, you should just jump to it:<br>>> <br>>> void internal_hread()<br>>> {<br>>> asm<br>>> {<br>>> naked;<br>
>> jmp imported_hread;<br>>> }<br>>> }<br>>> <br>>> I haven't tried all that, though, so there might be some<br>>> mistakes...<br>
>> <br>>> Rainer<br>>> <br>>> <br>>> <br>>> Denis Koroskin wrote:<br>>> <br>>> On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 13:47:53 +0400, maarten van damme<br>
>> <<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>>><br>>> <br>>> wrote:<br>>> <br>>> I've changed this, I think I'm still kinda<br>
>> confused with<br>>> lib files. They've<br>>> told me you can't do something with them without<br>>> a .di file<br>>> So I went ahead and made a kernel33.di file.. I now<br>
>> import it in kernel32.d<br>>> and my declaration is<br>>> System(C){<br>>> export void * exportedfunctionblablabal(){<br>
>> return exportedfunctionblablablal();<br>>> }<br>>> ....<br>>> }<br>>> <br>>> The file in the directory are:<br>
>> kernel32.d :<br>>> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>>> kernel33.di :<br>
>> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>>> kernel33.lib :<br>>> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
>> kernel33.dll :<br>>> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>>> <br>
>> I've tried to compile using dmd -d kernel32.d<br>
>> kernel33.di kernel33.lib but<br>>> it throws errors like<br>>> "Error 42: Symbol undifined _Dkernel1336_hreadfzpV"<br>>> I have literally no clue why this is the case, can<br>
>> someone help me out or<br>>> look at the files?<br>>> <br>>> 2011/4/27 maarten van damme<br>>> <<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>>> <mailto:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>>><br>
>> <br>>> <br>>> I'm afraid I've been a little unclear.<br>>> I've copied kernel32.dll from the windows dir,<br>>> renamed it to kernel33.dll<br>
>> and generated a .lib from it using implib.<br>>> Then I've created a d file with a correct<br>>> dllmain(stolen from examples) and<br>
>> between<br>>> <br>>> system(C){<br>>> export void * exportedfunctionfromkernel33.dll();<br>>> export void *<br>
>> exportedfunction2fromkernel33.dll();<br>>> ....<br>>> }<br>>> <br>>> But it looks like you can't both declare a<br>
>> function<br>>> from another lib and<br>>> export it at the same time.<br>>> <br>>> <br>>> In your kernel33.di, try making it extern (C) export<br>
>> void*<br>>> _hread(); etc. You functions get D mangling otherwise.<br>>> <br>>> I'd also suggest you to start with a less complex<br>>> example,<br>
>> e.g. export only one function, make sure it works,<br>>> then add<br>>> the rest.<br>>> <br>>> If you think your .lib files doesn't do its job, try<br>
>> using<br>>> .def file instead. I find them extremely helpful, and<br>>> they<br>>> are a lot easier to edit/extend.<br>>> <br>>> Hope that helps.<br>
>> <br>>> <br>>> <br>>> <br></div></div></div>