<div class="gmail_quote">On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 7:53 AM, dsimcha <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:dsimcha@yahoo.com">dsimcha@yahoo.com</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote style="BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class="gmail_quote">On 8/10/2011 9:22 AM, dsimcha wrote:<br>
<blockquote style="BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class="gmail_quote">The review of the new std.path is drawing to a close and it looks like<br>another success! (Congratulations, Lars.) Lately, though, the queue of<br>
stuff to review has been getting rather long, admittedly a problem we'd<br>like to have. I want to get a list of stuff that's ready or will be<br>ready in short order, so we can prioritize.<br><br>I know at least the following are ready or fairly close. Please list<br>
anything else:<br><br>std.regionallocator (A segmented stack memory allocator, by me. I'd like<br>to fast-track this because it's being used in the GSoC project I'm<br>mentoring and getting it into Phobos would simplify things for us.)<br>
<br>std.parallelalgorithm (A small module of parallel implementations of<br>various algorithms, by me. This one can wait because it's pretty niche<br>and nothing I know of depends on it.)<br><br>std.process (New and much improved, by Steve Schveighoffer and IIRC Lars<br>
Kylingstad also contributed. Personally I'd like this to be given a high<br>priority b/c the old std.process sucks so much and it's been waiting so<br>long for compiler bugs to get fixed, etc.)<br><br>std.log (Logging module by Jose Armando Garcia.)<br>
<br>curl wrapper (By Jonas Drewsen.)<br><br>std.variant (Major improvements, by Robert Jacques.)<br></blockquote><br>Ok, so in addition to the above, we also have Jesse Phillips's CSV parser. The review for std.path has been successfully completed, so let's get another iron in the fire.<br>
<br>As far as stuff that's completely ready to go (no caveats, need for polishing, etc.), I know std.regionallocator and the curl wrapper are. If there's anything else, please speak up. I'm willing to postpone std.regionallocator if the curl wrapper is ready to be reviewed right now, since I think the curl wrapper is more universally useful. Therefore, IMHO next in line should be the curl wrapper.<br>
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<div>That's reasonable. I also think that the Curl wrapper should be reviewed next. <br></div>