import std.regex; import std.stdio; import; import std.string; /* Parses mail logs like this line: Nov 1 19:37:59 themailhost sendmail[10620]: [ID 801593] pA20bx2u010620: from=, size=6988, class=0, nrcpts=2, msgid=<5693296.131.1320194279221.JavaMail.gfish@somemachine>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, [] Looks for the relay lines and stores the number of times a particular relay appears. Only relays matching and bar.corp are stored. At the end the list of relays is displayed along with the number of times that relay appeared in the log. */ void main (string[] args) { int[string] relayHosts; //enum ctr = ctRegex!(`relay=([\w-.]+[\w]+)[.,]*\s`); auto regex = regex(r"relay=([0-9a-zA-Z\-\.]+[\w]+)[\.\,]*\s"); foreach (arg; args[1 .. args.length]) { //auto file = new BufferedFile(arg, FileMode.In, 268_435_456); // 250 MB auto file = new BufferedFile(arg, FileMode.In); foreach(char[] line ; file) { // Find the relay portion of the string (if any) foreach(m; match(line, regex)) { auto hostName = m.captures[1]; if(endsWith(hostName, "") || endsWith(hostName, "bar.corp")) { relayHosts[cast(string)hostName]++; } } } file.close(); delete(file); } /* Display the results */ writefln("Host, Number of relayed emails"); foreach(relay ; relayHosts.keys.sort) { writef("%s,%d\n", relay, relayHosts[relay]); } }