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I'm working on a complex project for my company.<BR>
It's a text-parser that handles complex/ambiguos word-based grammars. It reads a set of xml files that define rules, build some structures (trees, dictionaries, etc..) and then parses your phrases. It works fine.<BR>
I compile sources in this (simple) way:<BR>
dmd -c *.d (three source files)<BR>
If i link objects with dmd execution of unit tests takes:<BR>
Parsing: 722 ms, 419 μs, and 3 hnsecs<BR>
real 5m10.199s<BR>
user 5m9.771s<BR>
sys 0m0.236s<BR>
using gcc as linker:<BR>
Parsing: 425 ms, 677 μs, and 8 hnsecs<BR>
real 0m13.919s<BR>
user 0m13.845s<BR>
sys 0m0.088s<BR>
unittest outputs are identical and execution time of test phrases has similar speed but dmd version takes a lot of time parsing xml and building trees and other structures.<BR>
I can't post company code, but i wonder if this is a known issue... If not i'll try to write some code to reproduce this problem...<BR>
Ubuntu 11.10 64bit<BR>
DMD64 D Compiler v2.056<BR>
gcc version 4.6.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) <BR>