Extracted some missing resource files from the exe: empire.ico blastmas.bmp unknown1.bmp cursor.bmp ---------- makefile Fixed filenames in clean - winemp not empire Removed dependence on winemp.lnk, and used DMD to link so that debugging information can be is linked in ---------- empire.rc Set Win9x dialog style Put the menu shortcut keys in the right place In InitBox, fixed 'Demo' to be a checkbox Removed option of 0 opponents from InitBox - it doesn't work and apparently isn't meant to Added Save As command ---------- winmain.d Cleaned up workaround to DMD 0.86 bug in std.c.windows.windows Fixed IDM_NEW so that cancelling works Set correct open/save dialogs and appropriate flags Deselected pens so that they're actually deleted, eliminating resource leaks Create the dashed pen only once on startup Clear filename on new game Implemented separate Save and Save As commands Implemented prompt to save on exit, new or open Highlight current square only if POV player's turn (still needs some work) ---------- move.d Added invalidateLoc calls to update current square highlight (works for 2 players, stuck for 3 or more) ---------- eplayer.d Fixed debugging calls to non-existent functions Added magic cursor position LOC_HIDDEN, to avoid a misleading highlight at the end of the player's turn Disabled cwatch - it either does nothing or causes Empire to hang ---------- display.d Clear dirty flag on loss of game ---------- twin.d Auto-detect location of exe, and look for help file there Catch file not found error Eliminate switch default error on pressing an invalid key ---------- newdisplay.d Refactored the text display engine to make more sense for D and for a GUI app. ---------- help.txt Run through spellchecker Removed an anachronism or two