<div dir="ltr">2013/2/27 deadalnix <<a href="mailto:deadalnix@gmail.com">deadalnix@gmail.com</a>><br>><br>> On Wednesday, 27 February 2013 at 03:46:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:<br>>><br>>> On 2/26/13 10:33 PM, kenji hara wrote:<br>
>>><br>>>> 2013/2/27 Jonathan M Davis <<a href="mailto:jmdavisProg@gmx.com">jmdavisProg@gmx.com</a><br>>>> <mailto:<a href="mailto:jmdavisProg@gmx.com">jmdavisProg@gmx.com</a>>><br>>>><br>
>>> I believe that both Walter and Andrei have said on multiple<br>>>> occasions that one<br>>>> of C's big mistakes was conflating function names with their<br>>>> addresses, and<br>
>>> this DIP appears to be trying to do exactly that. And I honestly<br>>>> don't see<br>>>> what it buys us. It just makes the situation with parenless function<br>>>> calls<br>
>>> worse. At least right now, it's clear when you're dealing with a<br>>>> function<br>>>> pointer or a parenless function call. With this DIP, it wouldn't be.<br>>>><br>
>>><br>>>> I agree with Jonathan. DIP27 is a recurrence of C's mistake.<br>>>> It would remove a language future, and breaking much existing code, and<br>>>> then introduces nothing. Certainly compiler implementation may be<br>
>>> simplified a little by doing it, however it is too small benefit than<br>>>> the D world destruction.<br>>>><br>>>> Kenji Hara<br>>><br>>><br>>> Agreed. I think it's safe to close it.<br>
>><br>>> Andrei<br>><br>><br>> Andrei, Kenji and Jonathan, can you explain what error of C did this DIP reproduce and why it is an error ?<br><br><div><div>The mistake in C is mixing of function name and function address.</div>
<div>At least there is one ambiguity which appearance and meaning does not correspond one-to-one.</div><div><br></div><div>In current D, the ambiguity is _already_ resolved - if you want to function address, use & operator.</div>
<div><br></div><div>As far as I see, DIP27 will overturn the chess board, remove property feature, change the meaning of 'foo', deprecate '&foo', and finally add nothing for the language users.</div><div>
<br></div><div>Kenji Hara</div></div></div>