module mtclass; import std.range, std.traits; final class MersenneTwisterClass(UIntType, size_t w, size_t n, size_t m, size_t r, UIntType a, size_t u, size_t s, UIntType b, size_t t, UIntType c, size_t l) if(isUnsigned!UIntType) { ///Mark this as a Rng enum bool isUniformRandom = true; /** Parameter for the generator. */ enum size_t wordSize = w; enum size_t stateSize = n; enum size_t shiftSize = m; enum size_t maskBits = r; enum UIntType xorMask = a; enum UIntType temperingU = u; enum size_t temperingS = s; enum UIntType temperingB = b; enum size_t temperingT = t; enum UIntType temperingC = c; enum size_t temperingL = l; /// Smallest generated value (0). enum UIntType min = 0; /// Largest generated value. enum UIntType max = w == UIntType.sizeof * 8 ? UIntType.max : (1u << w) - 1; /// The default seed value. enum UIntType defaultSeed = 5489u; static assert(1 <= m && m <= n); static assert(0 <= r && 0 <= u && 0 <= s && 0 <= t && 0 <= l); static assert(r <= w && u <= w && s <= w && t <= w && l <= w); static assert(0 <= a && 0 <= b && 0 <= c); static assert(a <= max && b <= max && c <= max); /** Constructs a MersenneTwisterEngine object. */ this(UIntType value) { seed(value); } this(typeof(this) source) {[] =[]; this.mti = source.mti; this._y = source._y; } /** Seeds a MersenneTwisterEngine object. Note: This seed function gives 2^32 starting points. To allow the RNG to be started in any one of its internal states use the seed overload taking an InputRange. */ void seed()(UIntType value = defaultSeed) { static if (w == UIntType.sizeof * 8) { mt[0] = value; } else { static assert(max + 1 > 0); mt[0] = value % (max + 1); } for (mti = 1; mti < n; ++mti) { mt[mti] = cast(UIntType) (1812433253UL * (mt[mti-1] ^ (mt[mti-1] >> (w - 2))) + mti); /* See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier. */ /* In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect */ /* only MSBs of the array mt[]. */ /* 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto */ //mt[mti] &= ResultType.max; /* for >32 bit machines */ } popFront(); } /** Seeds a MersenneTwisterEngine object using an InputRange. Throws: $(D Exception) if the InputRange didn't provide enough elements to seed the generator. The number of elements required is the 'n' template parameter of the MersenneTwisterEngine struct. Examples: ---------------- Mt19937 gen; gen.seed(map!((a) => unpredictableSeed)(repeat(0))); ---------------- */ void seed(T)(T range) if(isInputRange!T && is(Unqual!(ElementType!T) == UIntType)) { size_t j; for(j = 0; j < n && !range.empty; ++j, range.popFront()) { mt[j] = range.front; } mti = n; if(range.empty && j < n) { throw new Exception(format("MersenneTwisterEngine.seed: Input range didn't provide enough" " elements: Need %s elemnets.", n)); } popFront(); } /** Advances the generator. */ void popFront() { if (mti == size_t.max) seed(); enum UIntType upperMask = ~((cast(UIntType) 1u << (UIntType.sizeof * 8 - (w - r))) - 1), lowerMask = (cast(UIntType) 1u << r) - 1; static immutable UIntType mag01[2] = [0x0UL, a]; ulong y = void; if (mti >= n) { /* generate N words at one time */ int kk = 0; const limit1 = n - m; for (; kk < limit1; ++kk) { y = (mt[kk] & upperMask)|(mt[kk + 1] & lowerMask); mt[kk] = cast(UIntType) (mt[kk + m] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[cast(UIntType) y & 0x1U]); } const limit2 = n - 1; for (; kk < limit2; ++kk) { y = (mt[kk] & upperMask)|(mt[kk + 1] & lowerMask); mt[kk] = cast(UIntType) (mt[kk + (m -n)] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[cast(UIntType) y & 0x1U]); } y = (mt[n -1] & upperMask)|(mt[0] & lowerMask); mt[n - 1] = cast(UIntType) (mt[m - 1] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[cast(UIntType) y & 0x1U]); mti = 0; } y = mt[mti++]; /* Tempering */ y ^= (y >> temperingU); y ^= (y << temperingS) & temperingB; y ^= (y << temperingT) & temperingC; y ^= (y >> temperingL); _y = cast(UIntType) y; } /** Returns the current random value. */ @property UIntType front() { if (mti == size_t.max) seed(); return _y; } /// @property typeof(this) save() { return new typeof(this)(this); } /** Always $(D false). */ enum bool empty = false; private UIntType mt[n]; private size_t mti = size_t.max; /* means mt is not initialized */ UIntType _y = UIntType.max; } alias MersenneTwisterClass!(uint, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0df, 11, 7, 0x9d2c5680, 15, 0xefc60000, 18) MtClass19937;