On Sep 14, 2013 7:21 AM, "Nick Sabalausky" <<a href="mailto:SeeWebsiteToContactMe@semitwist.com">SeeWebsiteToContactMe@semitwist.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> On Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:37:49 +0200<br>
> "dusr" <dusr@d.usr> wrote:<br>
> > > Like I said, I've been a Linux user for a long time, and that's<br>
> > > by choice! But I still envy a lot of what Windows gets right<br>
> > > and still long for the good old days of DOS where it was just<br>
> > > you, the hardware, and a little tiny helper library that was<br>
> > > there if you needed it.<br>
> ><br>
> > I've used debian from woody to squeeze, then I moved back to<br>
> > windows7.<br>
> > Windows is better.<br>
> Heh, I'm sort of the opposite. I've been using Windows from 3.11<br>
> through 7, and from Vista onward I've started to really hate Windows<br>
> more and more (If I wanted to be running a Mac, I'd have gotten a<br>
> Mac, not two versions of "New Windows: Apple-Envy Edition" followed by<br>
> "Microsoft UI-Of-The-Month Club").<br>
> Meanwhile, I've been using Linux more and more for testing and servers,<br>
> and I'm looking at switching my main OS over to...probably Debian 7,<br>
> with wine and VirtualBox for the occasional things that don't come in<br>
> Linux flavor. I just wish I could get a Linux file manager I liked.<br>
<p>It's not as if window's file manager is any good. :o)<br></p>
-- <br>
Iain Buclaw</p>
<p>*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';</p>