<div dir="ltr">Dear Russel,<div><br></div><div>Thanks for the comments and suggestions.</div><div><br></div><div>I do not make rules, I follow them. I know my reviewers very well, so better I be critical on what I put in.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Regards, Sumit</div></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Russel Winder <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:russel@winder.org.uk" target="_blank">russel@winder.org.uk</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div class="im">On Sun, 2013-11-17 at 12:25 +0530, Sumit Adhikari wrote:<br>
> Dear User Community,<br>
> This mail is in particular to the citation of D.<br>
> D is extremely poorly cited (Yes this comes from a R&D guy). I searched and<br>
> searched (everywhere including IEEEXplore) and nothing comes in my hand!<br>
> There are materials available on internet which are not peer reviewed and<br>
> hence I cannot use for Journal citation! It is like I have everything but I<br>
> cannot cite!<br>
</div>Clearly URLs have to be considered ephemera as far as academic<br>
publication is concerned. However there are three classes of ephemera:<br>
1. non-publishing websites; 2. publishing-related websites; and 3.<br>
publishing related archives.<br>
As an academic (admittedly a long time ago now), I would refuse to use<br>
or allow use of (as an editor of journal or conference proceedings) URLs<br>
in Category 1. However categories 2 and 3 are more reliable and so<br>
acceptable. Actually they are mandatory these days with the emerging<br>
academic publishing models. So where does this "ban" on using online<br>
material for citations come from? Are you self-censoring based on the<br>
notion of peer reviewed paper published journal?<br>
<div class="im"><br>
> It would be great idea as a beneficiary of D to publish for the future of<br>
> D. Please consider what I am saying :). Please publish.<br>
</div>Walter Bright has published a number of papers in Dr Dobb's Journal and<br>
elsewhere, For example:<br>
<a href="http://www.drdobbs.com/tools/implementing-pure-functions/230700070" target="_blank">http://www.drdobbs.com/tools/implementing-pure-functions/230700070</a><br>
<a href="http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/increasing-compiler-speed-by-over-75/240158941" target="_blank">http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/increasing-compiler-speed-by-over-75/240158941</a><br>
Others have written and published in other places. There were some<br>
articles about D published in CVu, the journal of ACCU<br>
(<a href="http://www.accu.org" target="_blank">http://www.accu.org</a>) for example.<br>
And then there is:<br>
Alexandrescu A, The D Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 2010.<br>
A fine publication, with certain publishing faults that lead to extreme<br>
collector pressure on value :-)<br>
The last point for now is that there is academic programming language<br>
research, and there is real world programming language development. The<br>
two are very different – believe me I have done both. So whilst Scala,<br>
which came from academia, has academic publications, Ceylon, Kotlin,<br>
Groovy, Ruby, Clojure, C++, D, Rust, JavaScript, Python, etc., etc. are<br>
developed almost entirely in a commercial or FOSS setting and so have no<br>
academic publications associated with them per se. D is not unique in<br>
this position.<br>
<span class="HOEnZb"><font color="#888888"><br>
Dr Russel Winder t: <a href="tel:%2B44%2020%207585%202200" value="+442075852200">+44 20 7585 2200</a> voip: <a href="mailto:sip%3Arussel.winder@ekiga.net">sip:russel.winder@ekiga.net</a><br>
41 Buckmaster Road m: <a href="tel:%2B44%207770%20465%20077" value="+447770465077">+44 7770 465 077</a> xmpp: <a href="mailto:russel@winder.org.uk">russel@winder.org.uk</a><br>
London SW11 1EN, UK w: <a href="http://www.russel.org.uk" target="_blank">www.russel.org.uk</a> skype: russel_winder<br>
</font></span></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir="ltr">Sumit Adhikari,<br><br></div>