<p dir="ltr">On 08/10/2014 9:20 pm, "Don via Digitalmars-d" <<a href="mailto:digitalmars-d@puremagic.com">digitalmars-d@puremagic.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 19:07:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:<br>
>> On 10/6/14, 11:55 AM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:<br>
>>> On Mon, Oct 06, 2014 at 06:13:41PM +0000, Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:<br>
>>>> On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 16:06:04 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:<br>
>>> [...]<br>
>>>>> It would be terrific if Sociomantic would improve its communication<br>
>>>>> with the community about their experience with D and their needs<br>
>>>>> going forward.<br>
>>>> How about someone starts paying attention to what Don posts? That<br>
>>>> could be an incredible start. I spend great deal of time both reading<br>
>>>> this NG (to be aware of what comes next) and writing (to express both<br>
>>>> personal and Sociomantic concerns) and have literally no idea what can<br>
>>>> be done to make communication more clear.<br>
>>> I don't remember who it was, but I'm pretty sure *somebody* at<br>
>>> Sociomantic has stated clearly their request recently: Please break our<br>
>>> code *now*, if it helps to fix language design issues, rather than<br>
>>> later.<br>
>> More particulars would be definitely welcome. I should add that Sociomantic has an interesting position: it's a 100% D shop so interoperability is not a concern for them, and they did their own GC so GC-related improvements are unlikely to make a large difference for them. So "C++ and GC" is likely not to be high priority for them. -- Andrei<br>
> Exactly. C++ support is of no interest at all, and GC is something we contribute to, rather than something we expect from the community.<br>
> Interestingly we don't even care much about libraries, we've done everything ourselves.<br>
> So what do we care about? Mainly, we care about improving the core product.<br>
> In general I think that in D we have always suffered from spreading ourselves too thin. We've always had a bunch of cool new features that don't actually work properly. Always, the focus shifts to something else, before the previous feature was finished.<br>
> At Sociomantic, we've been successful in our industry using only the features of D1. We're restricted to using D's features from 2007!! Feature-wise, practically nothing from the last seven years has helped us!<br>
> With something like C++ support, it's only going to win companies over when it is essentially complete. That means that working on it is a huge investment that doesn't start to pay for itself for a very long time. So although it's a great goal, with a huge potential payoff, I don't think that it should be consuming a whole lot of energy right now.<br>
> And personally, I doubt that many companies would use D, even if with perfect C++ interop, if the toolchain stayed at the current level.<br>
> As I said in my Dconf 2013 talk -- I advocate a focus on Return On Investment.<br>
> I'd love to see us chasing the easy wins.</p>
<p dir="ltr">As someone who previously represented a business interest, I couldn't agree more. <br>
Aside from my random frustrated outbursts on a very small set of language issues, the main thing I've been banging on from day 1 is the tooling. Much has improved, but it's still a long way from 'good'.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Debugging, ldc (for windows), and editor integrations (auto complete, navigation, refactoring tools) are my impersonal (and hopefully non-controversial) short list. They trump everything else I've ever complained about.<br>
The debugging experience is the worst of any language I've used since the 90's, and I would make that top priority.</p>
<p dir="ltr">C++ might have helped us years ago, but I already solved those issues creatively. Debugging can't be solved without tooling and compiler support. </p>