<div dir="ltr">I've seen a lot of dub projects with embedded ddoc that follows phobos example.<div>These projects are then hosted on <a href="http://code.dlang.org">code.dlang.org</a>, but often, the docs are never generated and hosted anywhere.</div><div>In the event they are, links to docs are ad-hoc and unpredictable, and the formatting/styling/etc is not standard/consistent.</div><div><br></div><div>Suggest; <a href="http://code.dlang.org">code.dlang.org</a> should attempt to generate ddoc for each hosted project, host it, and clearly link to it from the project front-page.</div><div>Hosted docs should be styled consistently (matching phobos?).</div><div><br></div><div>Thoughts?</div><div>- Manu</div></div>