[Dlang-internal] Issue 7616: intentional or fix welcome?

Neia Neutuladh neia at ikeran.org
Wed Dec 19 23:29:20 UTC 2018

I have a PR ready to test for issue 7616: aggregates don't inherit pure 
nothrow from outer scope. I would like some indication, before I spend a 
few hours testing it, whether a fix would be accepted.


The current behavior:

pure nothrow @nogc:
int global;
struct Foo
  void foo() { global++; throw new Exception; }

Foo.foo is not pure, nothrow, or @nogc.

The spec does not specify any way in which pure, nothrow, or @nogc 
attribute propagation should differ from other attributes like @safe.

In this case, is the spec correct, or is the compiler correct? If the spec 
is correct, I'll finish my PR and submit it.

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