[Dlang-internal] Potential changes to DDoc

David Gileadi gileadisNOSPM at gmail.com
Sat Jan 27 18:15:04 UTC 2018

On 1/27/18 1:54 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 1/27/2018 12:08 AM, Mike Parker wrote:
>> And here we've got someone who's not only willing to do it, but 
>> actually implementing it! We ought to run with it.
> I agreed with David to not call it Markdown support, so we do not raise 
> false expectations. We simply implement what we need, and document it.

To make myself plain (in case I didn't before) I strongly disagree with 
this approach.

I agree with Mike et al that DDoc should support as much standard 
Markdown as is possible modulo conflicts with DDoc features. I'm willing 
to do the work (and indeed have done most of it already), and as I've 
explained before I believe the downsides are few and well mitigated.

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