[Dlang-internal] How about `and` and `or` like in Python?

Dennis dkorpel at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 23:35:10 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 22:53:55 UTC, snow jhon wrote:
> Personally, I think this would make the code less readable; the 
> current way creates more of a distinction between operators and 
> operands.

With a syntax highlighter that makes them bold you don't have 
this problem.

Also, && and || are actually pretty exceptional operators. Most 
operators are simply functions mapping directly to hardware 
instructions with special symbol notation. In D they can be 
overloaded using functions opBinary or upUnary. && and || have 
lazy evaluation and therefor introduce control flow unlike 
functions whose parameters are evaluated first.

Zig is designed in such a way that all control flow happens 
through keywords. The bitwise and/or functions use the & and | 
symbols, but boolean and/or use the keywords [1]. (Also the 
ternary operator is just `if` and `else` forming an expression 
instead of a statement.)

This gives an actually useful distinction between keywords and 
symbols. But like I said, trying to change D on that aspect at 
this point is not useful.

[1] https://ziglang.org/documentation/0.5.0/#Operators

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