[dmd-beta] dmd 1.058 and 2.043 beta

Walter Bright walter at digitalmars.com
Wed Apr 7 15:32:10 PDT 2010

Hmm, nothing jumps out as obviously wrong there, though it clearly has 
something to do with the .init. It should perhaps use .init[0] instead.

Don Clugston wrote:
>>> (2) I'm working on tracking down the Phobos unittest stack overflow.
>>> It seems to be a regression. I've cut it down to this test case:
>>> ---
>>> import std.variant;
>>> import std.typecons;
>>> alias Tuple!(Variant) crash;
>>> ---
>>> There have been no relevant changes to Phobos. I'm still working on it.
>> It compiled in DMD svn 421, and fails in svn 423. It's caused by the
>> ".init property for static arrays is now an array literal." change.
> Here's the problem:
> conv.d,  line 260:
> /**
> For structs that do not define $(D toString), the conversion to string
> produces the list of fields.
>  */
> T to(T, S)(S s, in T left = S.stringof~"(", in T separator = ", ",
>         in T right = ")")
> if (is(S == struct) && isSomeString!(T) && !is(typeof(&S.init.toString)))
> {
>     Tuple!(FieldTypeTuple!(S)) * t = void;     // < ---------- Creates a Tuple
> ----------
> and Tuple contains toString, defined in typecons.d line 435:
>     string toString()
>     {
>         char[] result;
>         auto app = appender(&result);
>         app.put(toStringHeader);
>         foreach (i, Unused; noStrings!(T).Result)
>         {
>             static if (i > 0) result ~= toStringSeparator;
>             static if (is(typeof(to!string(field[i]))))
> <------------ this is calls to!()
>                 app.put(to!string(field[i]));
> ------------
> And that's all I have time for. I think this should fixed before the
> release goes out -- it's a pretty nasty regression.
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