[dmd-beta] beta 2

Sönke Ludwig ludwig at informatik.uni-luebeck.de
Wed Jul 6 12:48:40 PDT 2011

I've noticed that properties returning ref (const) are now matched when 
assigning a value:

struct S {
     private int m_prop;
     ref const(int) prop() { return m_prop; }
     void prop(int v) { m_prop = v; }

void test()
     S s;
     s.prop = 1;

causes the error "bug.d(10): Error: s.prop is not mutable". Declaring 
the setter first will fix this, which I would consider another bug 
(property resolution should probably not be order dependent), but that 
bug has existed in previous versions.

Added http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=6259

Am 06.07.2011 20:55, schrieb Walter Bright:
> http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd1beta.zip
> http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta.zip
> 1. updated rdmd
> 2. 64 bit dmd binary on Linux
> 3. CTFE added to D1 changelog
> 4. fixed missing update to phobos sources
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