[dmd-beta] dmd 2.053 beta

Sönke Ludwig ludwig at informatik.uni-luebeck.de
Sat May 7 02:59:44 PDT 2011

I get this now, although I'm not using to/parse to convert to a floating 
point type anywhere:

C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\conv.d(1301): Error: function 
std.conv.parse!(real,string).parse compiler error, parameter 'p', 
bugzilla 2962?
Assertion failure: '0' on line 744 in file 'glue.c'

With 2.052 I just got it when using parse!double under some obscure 
circumstances (was not really possible to strip down to a test case).

Also it seems like the linker now strips out less unused functions (if 
at all). I have to link against external libraries that are used in some 
modules which are in turn not used anywhere. In all previous versions 
this code was stripped out and the external depedency was removed.

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