[dmd-beta] dmd 2.063 beta 5

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Thu May 23 01:08:00 PDT 2013

On May 21, 2013, at 10:35 PM, Walter Bright <walter at digitalmars.com> wrote:

> http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta.zip
There are a couple of errors in Tango. Tango compiled perfectly fine with the previous release, 2.062, without any warnings or deprecation messages.

* tango/io/device/File.d(290): Error: cannot make expression out of initializer for ReadExisting


* tango/core/tools/StackTrace.d(186): Error: class tango.core.tools.StackTrace.BasicTraceInfo interface function 'string toString() const' is not implemented


* tango/io/selector/SelectSelector.d(156): Error: function tango.io.selector.SelectSelector.HandleSet.opAssign is not callable because it is annotated with @disable


Tango doesn't use @disable at all. "opAssign" is not overloaded.

* Error: cannot modify struct this HandleSet with immutable members

No file or line information. Ok, I would the actual problem, but the error message is very unclear. There was a "const" member in HandleSet, it should have been static.


* tango/text/Regex.d(1779): Error: variable tango.text.Regex.TNFA!(dchar).TNFA.pca final cannot be applied to variable, perhaps you meant const?
tango/text/Regex.d(2528): Error: template instance tango.text.Regex.TNFA!(dchar) error instantiating
tango/text/Regex.d(3668):        instantiated from here: TDFA!(dchar)
tango/text/Regex.d(4412):        instantiated from here: RegExpT!(char)
tango/text/Regex.d(3668): Error: template instance tango.text.Regex.TDFA!(dchar) error instantiating
tango/text/Regex.d(4412):        instantiated from here: RegExpT!(char)
tango/text/Regex.d(4399): Error: tdfa_t.Command is used as a type
tango/text/Regex.d(4412): Error: template instance tango.text.Regex.RegExpT!(char) error instantiatin


There are no final variables in that file as far as I can see. The error message is pointing to an enum.

I stopped here because I don't know how to fix the error in Regex.

/Jacob Carlborg
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