[dmd-concurrency] real

Andrei Alexandrescu andrei at erdani.com
Thu Jan 28 05:59:34 PST 2010

It's a slippery slope. If we leave real's compilation to the 
installation, we should also allow atomic shared array assignment for 
machines that support 128-bit atomic assign. I just don't think this is 
a tenable approach to designing a language.


Walter Bright wrote:
> Enables is I think a better word.
> Portability is not the overriding goal of D. Gratuitous non-portability 
> is a bad idea, but I think a systems language shouldn't be dumbed down 
> to the lowest common denominator. It'd be like crippling 64 bit D so it 
> cannot allocate more memory than 32 bit D could. People paid for their 
> machine, and they should be able to run apps that fully exploit them.
> Also, when compiling for the odd machine that won't support real 
> atomics, you get a compile time error, not subtly wrong results.
> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> That fosters non-portable code.
>> Andrei
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Since D is a systems language, it should work where available and not 
>>> (compile time error) when not available. Leave it to the programmer 
>>> to select the most appropriate workaround where it does not work.
>>> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>>> It looks like we're converging on this:
>>>> - shared pointer read/assignment works
>>>> - shared numeric data read/assignment works, EXCEPT for real
>>>> Real is an odd beast - it has no guaranteed width and is mostly 
>>>> system-dependent. Should we guarantee atomic assignment to 
>>>> shared(real), leave it to the platform, or just disallow it entirely?
>>>> Andrei
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