[dmd-internals] Patch list #1 for DMD2.041

Don Clugston dclugston at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 2 00:32:57 PST 2010

The patches below all seem to be ready for inclusion in the next
compiler release. They're not too complicated.

PATCHES: Critical (regression, ICE, wrong code, missing line number)
3737 SEG-V at expression.c:6255 from bad opDispatch
3491 typeof( (string[string]).init)) == AssociativeArray!(string,
string), doesn't implicitly convert to string[string].
3306 bad function/delegate literal generated into header files
2463 No line number in "statement is not reachable" warning

PATCHES: Non-critical
2321 spec on inline asm can be misunderstood
3373 bad codeview debug info for long and ulong
3450 incorrect result for is (typeof({ ... }())) inside a struct
3029 Bug in array value mangling rule
 (For 3029, use the patch in the last comment).

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