[dmd-internals] Method overriding allows covariant conversions (for 2.059 release)

kenji hara k.hara.pg at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 05:44:25 PST 2012

It is useful improvement of 2.059, but there are some issues still.

If one method overrides two base methods with covariance but no exact

class C {
    int foo() { return 1; }           // (1)
    int foo() immutable { return 2; } // (2)
class D : C {
    override int foo() const { return 3; }

In this case, D.foo overrides C.foo (1) and (2) at the same time?
Or it should raise "ambiguous overriding" error?

If each overridings has ambiguity but whole has no ambiguity...

class C {
    int foo()           { return 1; } // (1)
    int foo() immutable { return 2; } // (2)
class D : C {
    override int foo()        const { return 3; }  // (3)
    override int foo() shared const { return 4; }  // (4)

(3) can override (1) and (2), this is ambiguous.
But, (4) can override only (2).
Then, (3) overrides (1) only and it is disambiguate, no?

(This is my opinion based on an idea suggested by Timon:
http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7534#c2 )
If you want to override base class method, we MUST add 'override' keyword.
In other words, no 'override' keyword never overrides anything.

class C {
    int foo(){ return 1;}
class D1 : C {
    alias C.foo foo;              // inherit from super class
    int foo() const { return 2; } // additional overload, because no
'override' keyword
class D2 : C {
    alias C.foo foo;                       // inherit from super class
    ovreride int foo() const { return 2; } // overrides C.foo, because
'override' keyword added
void main()
	C mc = new C();
	assert(mc.foo() == 1);

	D2 md1 = new D1();	 assert(md1.foo() == 1);
	const(D1) cd1 = md1; assert(cd1.foo() == 2);
	mc = md1;            assert(mc.foo() == 1);

	D2 md2 = new D1();	 assert(md2.foo() == 2);
	const(D2) cd2 = md2; assert(cd2.foo() == 2);
	mc = md2;            assert(mc.foo() == 2);

I think this is appropreate and necessary fix to avoid restriction.

About 'override' keyword requirement, a pull is already suggested by yebblies:
We shouhd merge this pull until 2.059 release.


Kenji Hara

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