[dmd-internals] Questions: how consttructors and postblits work with qualifiers

Andrei Alexandrescu andrei at erdani.com
Thu May 10 14:51:27 PDT 2012

On 5/9/12 4:10 AM, kenji hara wrote:
> I have some questions for the spec of struct object construction and copying.
> I hope that Walter and Andrei gives the answers.

Kenji, I'm very busy right now so for now let me just say this.

Construction of qualified objects is doable with some control flow but 
not completely implemented at the moment.

Copying of qualified objects, particularly copies that change the 
qualifier, has major issues regarding typechecking of this(this). At 
this moment Walter and I agree that this is the single largest design 
problem with the language.

I started a DIP on it but didn't get too far. I foresee we'll need to do 
some serious language change there.

Will get back to this soon. Please stay tuned.



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